6+ CBS Cars

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CBS was a car buff, so here's a list of some of the ones he owned during his lifetime (with pics):
- 1 1929 Ford Model A 2-door sedan, black w/yellow spoked wheels (which CBS painted over the winter), used, bot 1934 for $175 from Mr. DAHL (pic d/l)
- 2 1935 Ford 2-door sedan, gunmetal gray, 1st NEW car, <$500 (pic d/l)
- 3 1940 Buick Special, used, not long held (CBS didn't care for it, tho others liked it, pic d/l)
- 4 1941 Ford Special Deluxe (pic d/l)
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- 10? 1969? Olds Cutlass 2-door, light green (pic d/l)
- 11? 1971? Olds Cutlass 2-door, light blue (need pic)
- 12? 1974? Olds ? (pic scan Sep '75 pic)
[remember, the GM 'status ladder' was Chevy, Pontiac, Olds, Buick, Cadillac]
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