This book is in the SBC library. Mom D checked it out Jan/03. Interestingly, it covers the 4 major cults which compete with orthodox Christianity. When it was published, the author was Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Calvin Theological Seminary in GR, MI. As a side-note, I'm also interested in mapping the main groups within orthodox Christianity:
- Roman Catholicism
- Eastern Orthodoxy (Greek, Russian, etc.)
- Protestantism (major 16C branches: Anabaptist, Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican)
-- [main modern distinction: liberal (mainline) v. conservative (evangelical)]
On the problem of evil, Orthodoxy apparently insists on "the ultimate non-reality of evil [which] will be decisively displayed in the triumph of Christ" (FT Oct 2005 p69, by frequent FT writer Mary Ann GLENDON, who is Orthodox).
Hmmm, How about (Free) Masonry, where do they fit?
The cults are taken in chronological order:
- Mormonism, founded 1830
- 7th-day Adventism, first conference 1863
- Christian Science, incorporated 1879
- Jehovah's Witnesses, first incorporation 1884
All cults provide these 10 challenges to Christians:
1 have definite convictions
2 know the Scriptures
3 have zeal in witnessing
4 effectively use media
5 have a strong sense of urgency
6 utilize laymen
7 be dedicated
8 teach definite techniques
9 be willing to endure ridicule
10 learn that faith can contribute to good health
Here are the highlighted doctrinal concerns (organized by the 6 customary divisions of theology):
1) Doctrine of God (theology)
- The Being of God:
-- Mormonism Denies the Trinity (34)
-- Mormonism Denies the Spirituality of God (35)
-- Mormonism Teaches That There Are a Great Many Gods in Addition to Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit (36)
-- Mormonism Also Teaches That the Gods Were Once Men (38)
-- Mormonism Teaches That Men May Become Gods (39)
Short review of Robert Millet's book A Different Jesus?, with forward by Richard Mouw. Mouw is generally genial, but wonders if orthodoxy can be squared with Mormonism's "insistence that God is of the same species as humanity" (FT Oct 2005 p67).
- The Works of God:
-- Mormonism misunderstands and therefore rejects predestination (41)
-- Mormonism rejects ex nihilo creation (42)
-- Mormonism has no doctrine of divine Providence (45)
2) Doctrine of Man (?ology)
- Man in his Original State
-- Mormonism asserts the eternal existence of men's minds/souls (i.e. not created, but
-- Mormonism says "image of God" means primarilly physical likeness
-- Mormonism says Adam was formerly archangel Michael
- Man in the State of Sin
-- Mormonism deny Adam's sin and the Fall (49, Pelagianism)
-- Mormonism rejects original sin (i.e. Pelagianism)
-- Mormonism sees man as a free agent (i.e. Pelagianism)
3) Doctrine of Christ (christology)
- The Person of Christ
-- Mormonism denies any essential difference between Christ and us
-- Mormonism therefore denies the deity of Christ
-- Mormonism rejects the virgin birth (assert physical union of God and Mary!?, i.e. like
ancient pagans)
-- Mormonism says Jesus married 3 wives (2 Marys, Martha) and had children
- The Work of Christ
-- Mormonism denies Christ's full atonement (as in Bible) but only gives man the opportunity to save himself from hell
4) Doctrine of Salvation (soteriology)
-- Mormonism rejects justification by faith alone (60, need works)
-- Mormonism distinguishes degrees of salvation (top is godhood)
-- Mormonism promote celestial marriage (i.e. can't get to top w/o)
5) Doctrine of Church and Sacraments (ecclesiology)
- Doctrine of the Church
-- Mormonism says Church was in apostasy until 1830
-- Mormonism rejects universality of Church (Christ is not to be identified exclusively
w/any one earthly organization)
-- Mormonism relegates all present and most of past Christendom apostates, revealing
anti-Scriptural sectarianism
- Doctrine of the Sacraments
-- Mormonism ritualizes baptism (immersion at 8 yrs)
-- Mormonism promotes baptism of dead (by living substitutes)
-- Mormonism says ancestors' salvation is necessary to our own
-- Mormonism ritualizes Lord's Supper (wkly, >=8yo)
6) Doctrine of Last Things (eschatology)
-- Mormonism says Zion is Independence, Missouri
-- Mormonism says all stars are former earthlike planets
-- Mormonism says there will be 4 states, destruction (small grp) and 3 kingdoms (i.e. on
earth and 2 other planets, top grp also small), with advancement possible
Prominent Mormons include:
- Orson Scott Card, SF writer
- Mark Skousen, libertarian economist, writer
"Though William MILLER (1782-1849) never joined the 7th Day Adventist movement ... [it] has its roots in [his 'Millerite'] prophecies" (89). He calculated 490 yrs (Dan. 9) from Artaxerxes' decree of 457 BC, to arrive at 33 AD (resurrection). Then another 2,300 yrs (Dan. 8:14) brought him to 1843. This was later updated to 22 Oct 1844. 3 others who played key roles were Hiram EDSON, Joseph BATES, and Ellen G(ould HARMON) WHITE (1827-1915). Her 1rst 'vision' was Feb 1845. The fusion of "3 Millerite Adventist groups" (98): 1) Hiram EDSON's in W NY emphasizing the doctrine of [Jesus entering] the heavenly sanctuary [explaining the delay of the rapture], 2) Joseph BATES' Washington, NH group advocating a 7th day [i.e. Saturday] sabbath, and 3) E G WHITE's Portland, ME group which viewed WHITE as a prophetess. These 3 teachings formed the basis of "the new theological [i.e. cultic, non-Christian] system AKA 7th-day Adventism. Later branched to Jackson, MI and Battle Creek, MI, latter becoming 1rst HQ. 1rst General Conference was May 1863. 1961 membership was about 1.2M, w/13k churches. Hmmm, later Herbert Armstrong group aka Worldwide Church of God isn't mentioned. Their Seminary is Andrews Univ. at Berrien Springs, MI. What were his distinctive teachings, besides British-Israelism?
Recently watched DVD 'Babylon' was produced by Armstrong's WCoG. I looked online and learned that, since the death of Armstrong, new leadership has rejected his distinctives of [3 items, I recall, what are they?] and returned the group into the 'evangelical' fold.
In BC, we often catch their [WCoG] program w/Richard Ames. Mom D said they're controversial, since they don't really believe in Hell, rather in the annihilation of unsaved. Also, in post-death chance at salvation. Hmmm?!
Mary Baker Eddy born at Bow, NH, on 16 Jul 1821 (d. 3 Dec 1910). Her father was a stern Calvinist. She m. dentist Daniel Patterson in 1853, but sep. in 1866, divorced 1873. Since she suffered poor health, she visited (1rst time 1862) a man named Phineas P. Quimby, who was hawking 'cures w/o medicine' (172). She bought into this big-time! Her connection w/him has been controversial. At first, she gave him much credit, but later repudiated that connection. Hmmm, seems similar to CHK's 'deep healing' ministry?! (and Wimber, etc.). She was the dominant figure in the cult from the beginning. Quimby, who d. Jan 1866, "had no intention of founding a separate religious movement" (173, unlike MBE).
"Christian Science denies the [divine/human] unity of the Person of Jesus Christ, Jesus' present existence, the absolute necessity for Jesus' earthly mission, the incarnation of Christ, the Virgin birth of Jesus, the sinlessness of Jesus, the full deity of Jesus, and Jesus' genuine humanity ... reject [His] suffering, death, physical resurrection, and ascension into heaven" (207). So how in the world can they call themselves a church of Christ?!
The history of this group is closely tied to 3 presidents: 1) Charles Taze RUSSELL (1852-1916), formerly Presbyterian, wrote the 7-volume series 1rst called Millennial Dawn, later Studies in the Scriptures, #1 was pub. in 1886, called The Divine Plan of the Ages. 1rst HQ was in Allegheny, PA, building bot 1889. 2) Joseph Franklin RUTHERFORD (1869-1942). formerly Baptist, was their legal counsel (later pres). They formed the Watchtower Society, and published the Watch Tower journal. 3) Nathan Homer KNORR (1905-), formerly Reformed. 1958 book From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained, 1961 New World Translation of the Bible. In 1961 there were 22k congregations. They take the 144k number literally (261). They claim the NT has been 'corrupted'.
CT: Jehovah's Witnesses espouse the heresy of Arianism (i.e. Jesus is/was NOT divine).
The 10 Main Problems (Protestants Have w/) Catholicism:
1) Why do they worship the Eucharist? It's just a piece of bread! (transubstantiation)
2) Why to they call their priests 'Father' when the Bible says 'Call no man father'? (Matt 23:9)
3) Prayers like the rosary were forbidden by Christ when He said 'When you pray, don't use vain repetitions as the heathen do' (Matt 6:7)
4) You shouldn't confess your sins to a priest. 1 Tim 2:5 says Jesus is the only mediator between God and man!
5) Why do they believe you can get to heaven by your works, when Paul says in Romans and Galations that we're saved not by our works but by our faith in Jesus Christ?
6) Why do they put so much emphasis on Mary? They practically make her equal to Jesus! And why do they believe she was born w/o sin when Romans 3:23 says 'All have sinned'?
7) Why do they believe Mary was a perpetual virgin, when the Bible says that Jesus had brothers?
8) Why do they believe the Pope is infallible? He's just a man!
9) Why do they believe in purgatory when it's never even mentioned in the Bible?
10) Why did the RCC forbid reading the Bible?
(from a fundraising letter from Karl Keating, President of Catholic Answers)