I found this book in Parksville, BC's main used bookstore at that time (c1996, run by Claire). Its a fascinating book about the theory that Sargon the Magnificent, the first King of Babylon, was actually the biblical Cain. She presents lots of bits of evidence in support of her theory. Crucial implication are that the Bible is correct and that what we now call "mythology" descends from Cain's (purposely) corrupted versions of Bible stores, explaining the many similarities found between them (secular scholars use these as evidence the early Jews borrowed the stories from Babylonians).
I couldn't find this book at Amazon, so after doing a search at yahoo for Sargon the Magnificent, I found several sites linking this book to the "Identity" movement. An especially interesting article by John J. ? (http://pages.prodigy.net/aesir/rrr.htm) reviewed a book about the origins of this ("British-Israel") movement and said a key aspect is their belief that the English people (sometimes northern europeans) are the true descendents of Israel. In 19th century England, this was an innocuous philo-semitic philosophy among the genteel, but in 20th century America, one strand of it evolved into a sometimes violent, anti-semitic, white supremicist, anarchic militia movement (i.e. the "Christian Identity" movement).
Another related book is The United States and Britain in Prophecy by Herbert W. Armstrong. Originally published in 1967 by the Worldwide Church of God (of which he was pastor general), he founded and edited the Plain Truth magazine.
See also Tudor Parfitt's The Lost Tribes of Israel. Parfitt ranks the quest for the Lost Tribes as right up there with those for the Holy Grail, Prester John, the Ark of the Covenant, as "enduring motifs underlying Western views of the wider world" (1).
On the Holy Grail (sometimes interpreted as Mary Magdalene's womb, carrying Jesus "blood" in the form of children of Jesus and Mary), see Michael Baigent's Holy Blood, Holy Grail (discusses the priory of Sion conspiracy, Rosicrucianism, English freemasonry), John A. T. Robinson, Zecharia Sitchin, Margaret Starbird, Lynn Picknett, Christopher Knight, Sir Lawrence Gardner's trilogy of Bloodline of the Holy Grail (i.e. New Testament), Realm of the Ring Lords and Genesis of the Grail Kings (i.e. Old Testament) (from AMZN rvws of Gardner's Bloodline). Gardner is a freemason. Also of interest here are Dan Brown's The DaVinci Code, Umberto Eco's Foccault's Pendulum (debunking these "Rennes le Chateau" genre books and stories, in the words of one reviewer). Interesting but bizarre stuff!
Other British-Israel resources are their newsletter "The National Message" out of Britain, Tracing Our Ancestors by Frederick Haberman ($9 Artisan, "science, archealogy, history show white race is true Israel"), Symbols of Our Celto-Saxon Heritage $30, Israel-Britain by Adam Rutherford (Capstone, orig 1939, recent condensed version), The Book of Revelation From An Israelite and Historicist Interpretation ("modern Israelite descendents are Anglo-Saxon, Germanic people"). Did Amazon search on Sargon the Magnificent, British Israel, Lost Tribes.
Part ONE
1: Great Floods Have Flown (3)
2: The Babylonian Inscriptions (7)
3: A Necessary Explanation (13)
4: Pre-Adamites (15)
5: Unintentional Support (19)
6: Sargon of Akkad (21)
7: Sargon - King Cain (27)
8: Sargon's Name (31)
9: Sargon's Date (32)
10: Date Disputed (37)
11: An Improbable Theory (42)
12: The Sumerian Problem (45)
13: Prof. L. King's Ultimatum Questioned (48)
14: Suggested Reconciliation of Two Theories (51)
15: The Great Conspiracy (53)
16: The Babylonian Priests (56)
17: The Origin of Mythology (62)
18: Euemerus Supported (66)
19: The Root of Mythology (68)
20: Babylonian Gods and Goddesses (70)
21: Cain the Sun-God (79)
22: Adar and Ares Connected with Cain (83)
23: More Links Between Merodach and Sargon (84)
24: Abel's Memory Insulted (90)
25: Sargon Adopted by Akki (93)
26: "The Mystery of Iniquity" (97)
27: The Children of Bel (101)
28: Suggestive Names (104)
29: Cain Under Another Name (106)
Part TWO
1: In the Grey Dawn of History (115)
2: Cain's Penitential Hymn (118)
3: Did Cain Found the Babylonian Laws? (123)
4: The Leaven of Malice and Wickedness (127)
5: More About King Cain (130)
6: Was Cain in Crete? (133)
7: The Sad End of Sargon (142)
8: Was Cain the Founder of China? (145)
9: Evidence Summed Up (150)
10: The Picture Puzzle Made (152)
1 Sumer c3500-2004 BC (sacked by Elamites), Gilgamesh (aka Nimrod? Ussher: 2311-1878 BC)
[Hmmm, 1st Egyptian Pharaoh c3000 BC aka 'the Scorpion King' who united N/S. How about early civilizations in India, China? Also, fortified cities found by archeologists dating to c3200 BC at Megiddo, Jericho, Ai, Lachish, Beth Shan, Ugarit, Byblos ... but then most (at least in Canaan) destroyed by 2300 BC, upheaval in Egypt, Mesopotamia (HJ)]
[Egypt Old Kingdom 2575-2150 BC, pyramids, but consolidation, not expansion]
2 Akkad, Sargon I the Magnificent r2340-2285 BC 65yrs, later Gudea r c2144-24 BC
[Egypt 1IP 2125-2010 BC, Middle Kingdom 2010-1630 BC]
3 Old Babylon, Hammurabi c1792 BC founder, lasted to c1350 BC when plundered by Assyrians
[Egypt 2IP 1630-1539 BC, New Kingdom 1539-1069 BC, 3IP 1069-664 BC]
[4 Egypt] Next is 5-point multi-polar in 2M BC w/3 Babylon in SE, 4 Egypt in SW, 5 Assyria in NE, 6 Hittites in NW and 7 Mitanni in NC. 3 fades as 4 rises 1600-1300, w/key 1300 Battle of Kadesh (Egypt v. Hittites, a draw). Amorites (Akkad) had dominated 2000-1700, but then came Hurrians = Mitanni = biblical Hivites/Horites from Iran/India to become dominant (Aryans [Japhethites] who spoke [Amorite i.e. Semitic] Akkadian), so influential that Egyptians called Canaan 'Hurrian land', 1486 BC Pharaoh Thutmose 3 put down a rebellion by Canaanite and Syrian princes at Megiddo (1st battle of br-100db). c1370 Mitanni (key city Nuzi) defeated and absorbed by Hittites, who were on top c1850-1750, then decline, then Egypt 1600-1300 (New Kingdom) til c1200 Sea Peoples invasion leading to general turmoil in Levant. Hittite empire disintegrates into several indep neo-Hittite city-states e.g. Ugarit (region later coalesces into 'Syria'), some lasting into 8C BC aka 'Canaanite' i.e. advanced in some ways but degraded in religion. So 6 and 7 knocked out.
[Jerusalem emerged 14C BC as city-state w/ruler Abdi-Hepa, a Hurrian name. The Jebusites were related to Hittites i.e. Hurrians who'd been absorbed by Hittites, and came later c1200 BC after fall of Hittite Empire. Local residents originally worshipped Syrian god 'Shalem' aka 'Rushalem', but Hurrians brought Syrian storm-god Baal (p14) from Syrian Ugarit (HJ)]
5 Old Assyria c1300-1000 BC, Israel emerged as a pwrful kingdom c1050-950 i.e. Saul, then 40yrs each for David, Solomon. Assyria waxes til 1000, then fades til reviving as New Assyria 859-605 BC, Nineveh sacked by New Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar) 605. In 722 Assyrians destroyed Israel (N Kingdom).
[c1030 BC i.e. when Israel became a kingdom, the great powers of [5 Old] Assyria, Mesopotamia [3 Old Babylonia] and [4] Egypt were in eclipse, so other, smaller states had appeared to fill the power vacuum: Ammon (E of Israel), Moab (SE), Edom (further SSE) and Philistia SW [later Aram NE], HJ p34]
3 Neo-Babylon preeminent to 539 BC, when Cyrus of [8] Persia sacks Babylon (i.e. handwriting on wall, shocked Belshazzar). Babylon had taken Jerusalem 586 BC (i.e. Judah, S Kingdom). This is #1 of Biblical prophecy in Daniel 2 (gold head).
8 Persia rules til 331 Gaugemela (cf br-100db), defeated by AlexGrt, begins Hellenistic Age (cf br-tha). This is Daniel's #2 (silver chest/arms).
9 Greek i.e. AlexGrt and then the 4 Hellenistic kingdoms of Macedonia, Thrace, Syria and Egypt founded by his top 4 generals. This is Daniel's #3 (bronze torso/thighs).
10 Rome i.e. General Aemillianus Paullus took Macedonia 167 BC, Pompey took both Thrace and Syria 66 BC, and Julius Caesar took Egypt 30 BC (Antony/Cleopatra both commit suicide after Actium defeat 31 BC). This is Daniel's #4 (iron legs, i.e. 2 legs = E/W RE).
Hmmm, then we have Byzantium (3 from RE: the West, Byzantium and Islam), Charlemagne's Frankish kingdom, emerging European nations, nation-state codified at Westphalia 1646, Dutch trading empire 17C (golden age), British empire 18-20C (defeated French emp 1759), America ... Are these a continuation of Rome? ... [future kingdom(s) = feet of iron/clay, EU nations? Niall Ferguson's 10 modern empires? cf ToN.html]
HJ = 'A History of Jerusalem' by Karen Armstrong, 1996, HarperCollins, 471pp, SBC