Dear FT editor,
I continue to thoroughly enjoy reading FT, which I find goes deeper into meaningful issues than most other publications. I often sense that you've captured the heart of the matter under discussion.
In the August/September 2003 issue, R. Mary Hayden Lemmons wrote that Genesis 3:16 ("Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you") "indicates three gender consequences of original sin: the excessive desire or obsession of women for their men, male domination over women, and sexual inequality." I wish the first were true (it sounds nice to be 'excessively' desired and/or obsessed over), but I'm afraid a more accurate interpretation follows what the pastor of my church (Dr. Darryl Delhousaye, Scottsdale Bible Church) preaches. The Hebrew word translated "desire" here is the same one used in Genesis 4:7 "...if you do not do well, sin is lurking at the door; its desire is for you, but you must master it." In both cases, the meaning is a manipulative, controlling urge to conquer and defeat. This more accurately describes a fallen male/female relationship where she tries to manipulate/control and he to dominate (often by physical force). Our paster's corrective advice is for wives to support and respect their husbands, while husbands protect and honor (and cherish) their wives.
By extension, church leaders are to take on the male role of protecting and honoring, while members are to support and respect their leaders.
Keep up the great work!
Steven P. Sawyer