36 JCS Cars

From this ...
Because JCS loved cars, here's a list of the 36! he owned during his lifetime (with pics):
- 1 1934 Ford, rumble seat coupe, black, VERY used, bot Aug '47 for $200 (pic d/l)
- 2 1936 Desoto, bot for $295? (pic d/l)
- 3 1937 Chevy, tan coupe, bot summer 1950 $200?, used as 'Fuller Brush' car, sold to Don Uhland at end of summer '50 (pic d/l)
- 4 1939 Ford 2dr, dk blue, bot fall 1951, bot $160 from Glenn Ellyn family, sold for $275 (pic d/l)
- 5 1949 Ford, maroon, bot fall '52 in OH w/Rosena's $1100 inheritance from Grandpa (Dervin) Gearhart, sold '39 Ford for $275, 1st car JRS remembers, wow (pic d/l)
- 6 1952 Plymouth Cranbrook 4dr, cream/brown, bot fall '53 in Albuquerque, trade-in ['49?, worth] $497, low mileage i.e. <5k (pic d/l)
- 7 1956 Olds Super88, bot in '57 via Bill Bowden ('s foreman), a FAST car, big engine, sporty (early 'muscle' car), JCS remembered taking it out (w/Frank Nelson) and 'opening it up' on US131 N! 1st car DWS remembers (pic d/l)
- 8 1960 Chevy Nomad Wagon, wht ext, turq int, 1st new car, bot at Miller Chev in GH, traded in Olds 88, 1st car SPS remembers (pic d/l)
[remember, the GM 'status ladder' was Chevy, Pontiac, Olds, Buick, Cadillac]
- 9 1963 Pontiac Catalina 4dr sedan, lt (metallic) blue, traded in Nomad (at Miller Chev? pic1 d/l, pic2 scan w/JCS, DBS in May '66)
- 10 1957 Chevy station wagon (NOT a Nomad), ylw/wht, VERY used, found by Jim Hirdes, bot to help w/early 1964 move into 120 Crescent Dr home (pic d/l)
- 11 1962 Chevy II sedan, lt blue, bot used from Redeker Ford as work car for JCS, I remember broken spring in back seat, us bro's would laugh when it went 'boooiiinnnggg', hmmm, I seem to recall this car already at 1808 Sheldon Rd, hmmm (pic d/l)
- 12 1967 Pontiac 4dr Executive 3-seat station wagon, cream/brown, bot (this and next 2) at Elhart Pontiac in Zeeland, traded in Catalina, 1st car DBS remembers (front and rear pics, OddRod pic, d/l)
- 13 1970 Pontiac 4dr Bonneville station wagon, ylw, 1st car w/A/C, sold to Al Hofman of SMS, traded in '67 (the one pictured above in 1972 pics, side and front, pic1 and OddRodd pics d/l, pic2 scanned)
- 14 1967 Ford Mustang, burgundy, used, low mileage, bot from friend of Jim Hirdes at Gardner Denver Co., JRS used alot and added 'sport' stripes to lower sides (tho SPS learned stick shift driving on it in SMS pkg lot, pic d/l)
- 15 1972 AMC Gremlin 2dr, wht w/blue 'Levi' jeans interior, bot from a used car lot in GH, this was 2nd car bot for 'boys' to use ( pic1 d/l, pic2 scanned i.e. JRS/DWS back to college Spr 1975)
- 16 1972 Olds Toronado, red/blk, used from Zeeland Pontiac dlr (SPS' fave, LOVED stereo, front and rear pics, d/l)
- 17 1972 Ford Gran Torino 2dr, gold, SMS lease for JCS, then bot, sold/gave to SPS (1st car) for him at Calvin (fall '77, I used net and 'bondo' [from Meijer's] to fix rust hole on L? R qtr panel, repaint area, Dad was impressed, pic1, d/l and pic2, scanned)
- 18 1973 Chevy Blazer, grn/wht, bot new from Miller Chevrolet (Jim/Dave used at Wheaton, but bad gas mileage led to trade-in for VW, pic d/l)
- 19 1973 VW Superbeetle w/Sport pkg, ylw/blk, rack-n-pinion, peppy, bot used at Muskegon lot (someone had traded it in for a Fiat, later expressed sorrow, SPS used this car ALOT, sandblasted, repainted, added wht stripes on wheels, rainbow reflectors, ah-ooo-ga horn, built triangle shaped [Concord] radio for back shelf (also built), wow, lots of memories ... drums packed in, audition trip; accel. cable brks, I fix, but get dirty ... drums to practice, Dad later sold it to Mark Halvorson for low-ball price, who flipped it! cf pic2 for #17)
- 20 1976 Olds Toronado, grn/wht, used from GR dlr, wide white-walls, classy (pic1 d/l, pic2 and pic3 scanned)
- 21 1976 Buick Special, maroon, leased by SMS while [JCS] Vice Pres. (pic d/l)
- 22 1979 Buick Limited, lt blue, SMS lease for Pres. JCS, but JCS bot at retirement, later sold to Jim Patton's sis (I remember this car, very sporty, pic1 d/l, pic2 scanned)
- 23 1979 Honda Accord 2dr, bronze/brown, bot new at Wydott Pontiac (end of lease?), I used this car in Ann Arbor, loaned my 79 Toyo to Irene in GR, that's when Dad knew I really loved her! Scratched it up in brush carwash (frozen brushes), felt bad, had fixed under Dad's insurance, but he later sold it (never right after that). Also drove it to CA w/Dave Nienhuis of Calvin, d/o him in Van Nuys [N of LA], then worked w/Rick for electrician Bill Dancy, stayed 3 wks? [Dad/Mom in Hawaii, Cheryl m. Rob, I buy banjo ... ], then drive home [via BV, TW, banjo lessons by 'Buddy' at lodge] w/banjo in my lap! ... more memories (pic1 d/l, pic2 scanned)
- 24 1980 Olds 88 4dr diesel, lt beige, bot new where? sold in Whitehall, MI (I remember Dad/Mom visited me at Bill's Innes St place in this car, Dad was a little sheepish about its fanciness, but I told him 'you deserve it', pic1 d/l, pic2 scanned)
- 25 1957 Chevy Bel Air 2dr hardtop, turq/wht, bot at Hershey PA car show in '81/2, sold by ad in Vintage Car mag yr? (Irene/I drove it to GR, fully restored, pic1 d/l, pic2 scanned)
- 26 1983 Honda Accord tan 5dr sedan, bot new in Holland, later deeded it to DBS at (college) grad. [HS '82, so '86] (pic)
- 27 1985 Buick Park Ave [1st of many], blue, bot new in GH, buy a better hub? GH, sold to Hettinga's (pic taken 7/7/87 at 417 Sandpiper, 1wk later 4/14 is a pic of #28 at DePere)
- 28 1987 Buick Park Ave, cream, bot new from GR dlr (pic taken May '87)
- 29 1987 Toyota Camry 4dr, wht/blu, bot new at Berg in GR, sold to Ken/Barb Peterson (pic taken 8/22/87)
- 30 1991 Buick Park Ave, beige, bot new in GH at [Tony] Betten Auto, sold to Bill Waddell (pic1 d/l, pic2 scan, must've traded in late Apr '94 for 1st Caddy, since adjacent pics of both in photo album w/one of last Pk Ave datd 4-28-94)
- 31 1994 Cadillac Deville [1st of many], wht, slightly used in golf tournament, 2yr lease Scottsdale dlr? (pic1 d/l, pic2 scan, nearly full rear wheel skirting)
- 32 1996 Cadillac Deville, biege, lease? (pic scan, less rear wheel skirting than #31, more than #33)
- 33 1998 Cadillac Deville 4dr, 2yr lease, beige, Legends Scottsdale (pic d/l, similar to '96 but w/o rear wheel skirting)
- 34 1998 Toyota Sienna van, bot new in Zeeland, MI, later sold/gave to SPS (pk'd in SPS garage from Dec 1999, we sold to Karen/Bruce in Jun '09, pic d/l)
- 35 2001 Cadillac Deville, bot at Legends, Scottsdale (pic1 d/l, pic2 scan)
- 36 2006 Toyota Avalon 'poor man's Lexus', wht/tan, bot new in Prescott, AZ, sold/gave to JRS Apr '15, pic d/l

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