The Pale Horseman

Bernard Cornwell

HarperCollins?, 2006, 2xxpp

- 13 chapters

1: Uhtred admits he should've done what Leofric told him to after the battle at Cynuit; ride hard that Saturday to Exanceaster (Exeter, Devon) where Alfred was besieging Guthrum and claim victory over Ubba by presenting his banner and war ax, but instead he rode to find his wife Mildrith and left Odda the Younger (son of Odda the Elder who'd sheltered Mildrith) to claim credit for the battle (saying 'the truth cannot be hidden' which Leofric mocked 2). He was only 20yo at the time (late Spring 877, so 21yo later that year). When he got around to joining Alfred on Sunday, he made the mistake of openly challenging Odda (a rich noble whom Alfred favored) during mass in Alfred's presence, even drawing his sword there (recently made a capital offense). For this he was stripped of his navy command and made to do penance i.e. 'you pissed on the church, and now the church is going to piss on you' (10). Uhtred later realized his value to Alfred was minimal now but would grow later as Wessex rule extended N, and that Alfred sincerely loved the church, Wessex, and order and would not tolerate disrespect to any of those. Odda's bodyguard was Steapa 'Snotor' ('the Clever', a joke since he wasn't very) and Uhtred knew instinctively that Steapa would try to kill him some day (13). As he approaches his home in Oxton, he kills the stealing steward Oswald in a fit of rage.

2: Uhtred is steaming; Wessex is safe for the moment only because he'd k. Ubba Lothbrokson, and his reward had been humiliation! Poor Mildrith was a peacable woman who thought well of everyone she met (and vice-versa), and she found herself m. to a resentful, angry warrior, frightened of Alfred's and the RCC's wrath against him (18). At Exminster one day Uhtred found 3 Frisians hawking fights w/a captured Dane. He judged the 3 had been in Alfred's army (to fight Danes), but had deserted now that Alfred was talking v. fighting Danes. He dismisses them as money-grubbers. The Dane is Haesten Storrison, and Uhtred frees him by lying that Alfred has ordered all Dane prisoners to be delivered to him. He'd been on one of Guthrum's ships caught in the storm and sunk, and clung to wreckage til captured by Frisians once he washed ashore. Uhtred set Haesten 'free' i.e. to be 'his' man, an oath for a sword. He says his family can trace their lineage back to Woden (Danish Odin) (23). His (Saxon) uncle Ælfric had stolen Bamberg and resisted York-based Dane puppet king Ricsig r872-6. Haesten was Uhtred's 1st hired warrior (he needed many more to retake Bamberg). Uhtred planned to eventually join Ragnar the Younger against Alfred (after Guthrum and Alfred had finished negotiating) and eventually defeat Ælfric and his other enemies Earl Kjartan and 1-eyed son Sven. When Father Willibald (earnest, enthusiastic, kind, but seasick and faints at blood) comes by saying negotiations are complete and there's peace, Uhtred sourly notes there'd been 'peace' last year at Werham too, til Guthrum had broken the oath and k. 11 of 12 hostages (he'd been rescued by Ragnar). Uhtred says Alfred should've k. all the Danes (he would've) and sees Alfred as weak (Willibald see him as holy). Then he learns Ragnar is one of 6 earl hostages left w/Alfred and realizes he can't join the Danes yet (i.e. no protection against Kjartan, who'd killed Ragnar's father). The hostages are to be held by Ealdorman Wulfhere (a kinsman of Alfred). Uhtred spent his days hunting and his evenings drinking and arguing w/Mildrith (and feeling like a caged wild animal). At the water's edge (along the river Uisc) was the Heahengel i.e. the 'Archangel', 1 of Alred's 12 large warships used to harry the Danes earlier but now beached and rotting. Uhtred hated the name, thinking it a sniveling religious one. He was an outcast here, being Northumbrian, part-Dane and pagan. When Alfred calls a witan at Exeter, Uhtred goes to meet Wulfhere (of Wiltshire). He meets Æthelwold, Alfred's nephew (and rightful heir, preempted by witan), at a bar. He's carelessly plotting rebellion, but dissipating himself w/alcohol and whores. His good looks 'attracted girls like gold did priests' (30). As Wulfhere arrives, Æthelwold slips out the back door. Uhtred asks to see Ragnar, but is denied. He inadvertently signals to Wulfhere his loyalty to the Danes. Soon after, Uhtred was assigned a ship, the Eftwyrd (meaning 'judgment day'), the best-named of Alfred's ships, thought Uhtred. Aboard was his friend Leofric, a Saxon who enjoyed calling Uhtred 'earsling' (assling). Alfred had sent them to rescue the Heahengel (Alfred wanted them to sail '2 by 2' like the apostles and there were only 11) and ordered that 'if Danes aren't off the coast, then we aren't either' (35, i.e. to stay low-key). But Uhtred and the crew were all bored (they'd been assigned to pray while the other boat was being fixed), so wheels were turning in his head. Figuring it would take at least a month for the repair crew to fix up the 'Archangel', Uhtred and Leofric decided to do some unauthorized raiding in the meantime (disguising the 'Eftwyrd' as a Viking ship). Uhtred observes that 'the Danes led men by the lure of silver [ticket to land and warriors], and we [Saxons] were no different' (39). If he wanted Bamberg back, he'd need LOTS of silver. Wulfhere had mentioned a Viking named Swein from Ireland, and Uhtred wanted to see if he could find him in the W (Saefern Sea, into which the Severn River empties). They told others (including Mildrith) they were merely patrolling the coast on the lookout for Danes. Once away from shore into the open sea, they placed the front and back serpent heads and the 'Eftwyrd' became the 'Fyrdraca' (Fire Dragon).

3: They headed W, taking whatever plunder they could from traders (but sparing lives, so as not to attract undue attention from Alfred or Guthrum, who'd agreed to no raiding along Britain's S coast). Once they were sure they were off the coast of Cornwall, they felt more at ease about shore raiding, since these were Britons, the ancient enemy of the Saxons. They were Christians, but hated Saxons, even sometimes allying w/Danes to attack Saxons. The Cornwall Brits had made alot of trouble for Wessex in the past, but were quiescent for now. Uhtred had mostly Saxons as crew, but also Haesten and a dozen Frisians (44). They saw the Brits as 'poor as stoats' ('stink like stoats and thieve like jackdaws' 54), but still they wanted silver, a monastery perhaps? 'The Frisians were natural pirates, bad as the Danes' (44). Cenwulf, who'd fought w/Uhtred at Cynuit, knew these Cornwall Brits mined and sold tin, so they must also have money (silver). As they neared the SW edge of Cornwall, a priest (Father Mardoc) approached in a boat and said he'd come from King Peredur of ? (a local chieftain). Peredur had been attacked by neighboring [King] Callyn and wanted to hire them as mercenaries to counter-attack and retake the fort called Dreyndynas ('Fort of Thorns', fictional). Once ashore, Uhtred, Haesten and Cenwulf (hiding his Christianity) meet King Peredur and the Brit monk Asser (not my king, said Asser later, he was from Dyfed N of Saefern Sea, sent by his king ? to convince Cornwallians NOT to support Danes; hmmm, same Asser who later wrote bio of K Alfred?). This is 'the man who would haunt my life like a louse' Uhtred later recalled (51). As they negotiated, Uhtred met Iseult, a pagan sorceress (gwrach, dewines, witch, shadow queen, can see future but only so long as they're virgin 55) whom Peredur (her hubby, 1 of 3 wives) used as a magic weapon (Asser hated and feared her). She appeared unhappy. Peredur then agreed to pay 1/3 down, 2/3 after the battle (i.e. placed at the battlefield). At dinner that night, Uhtred talked w/Asser, who knew he was from Northumbria from his accent, 'where the Danes have corrupted the Saxons, thinking themselves Dane and pagan'. Uhtred notes that its a good thing [for Alfred] the Brits sided w/Wessex (because of Christ, tho they still hated Saxons), for if they'd allied w/Danes, it could've tipped the balance toward the Danes. 'The Britons might've taken back much of their lost lands had they allied w/pagan Danes' (hmmm, probably not, would've been k.). It was Peredur's 40 men plus Uhtred's 30 (10 at ship) against Callyn. Once Uhtred saw the battle flag at the fort (a green triangle w/white horse) he realized they were actually Danes. He quickly realized it was hopeless (>40 Danes v. half-armed brit savages). This is when Svein of Ireland (a rival to Guthrum) came out to talk. LSS, they agree to combine v. Peredur, and slaughter ensues (only survivers Iseult and Asser). Next morning they split the loot and head W, but at Britain's SW tip Swein continues N while Uhtred turns back (just wanted to see Britain's end, 'Penwith' Iseult called it.

4: 'There is such joy in a good ship, and a greater joy to have the ship's belly fat w/other men's silver. It is the Viking joy, driving a dragon-headed hull thru a wind-driven sea toward a future full of feasts and laughter (and fighting). The Danes taught me that and I love them for it, pagan swine tho they might be' (73). For a moment Uhtred dreamed of going w/Swein (and later join Ragnar once he was free), gathering more loot and men to retake Bamburg, but then just as he was turning back, he asked for and got a sign, porpoises swimming and jumping. He decided to head N after all. They stopped at Lundi (a small island in the Seafern Sea) then found a narrow hiding port on the Dyfed ('named for the churchman who coverted the Britons of Wales to Christianity' 77) coast, from which they raided passing boats, including one heavy-laden w/loot. It was a Dane (Ivar) who'd left Ireland to seek plunder and land in Britain. Ivar was k. and his dau Freyja captured (and given to Leofric, 'such is life, one day the pampered dau of an earl, the next a slave' 84). The ship was loaded w/his considerable wealth, incl. a heavy silver platter which Uhtred would use to repay debt to the RCC for Mildrith. Ivar had planned to join Svein. They drifted at sea that night (too dangerous to go ashore) and headed home in the morning, realizing the Danes would come after them otherwise. Meanwhile, Swein had decided to raid the new church under construction at Cynuit being built by Odda the Younger ([to commemorate the great earlier victory and Ubba's death] rumored to have a golden alter), killing many monks, stealing building materials and greatly angering Alfred (and Asser accused Uhtred of being a comrade, maybe even helping w/raid). Swein's base was at the Welsh kingdom of Glwysing [SE of Dyfed], where the king welcomed them as a bulwark against Guthrum raiding there across the Mercian border (85). When Swein learned the monks had thrown Ubba's body into the river and built their church over the spot where he'd been k., he burned them all on the funeral pyre. Tho Mildrith thot God had calmed the Danes, Uhtred realized they were merely biding their time (89). Mildrith wanted little more than her church, her baby, and an unvarying routine (89). Uhtred took Iseult hunting (and more) and she saw in a dream that Alfred would eventually give him power, they he'd take back Bamburg and that his woman would be a creature of gold [not her, which made her sad] (91). One day Harald the Shire Reeve (Sheriff) [of Devon(sh)] summoned Uhtred to appear before the local archbishop and pay the wergild or have his land seized. He preemptively met w/the AB (Alewold, who was fond of the red-head whore Eanflaed at the Corncrake tavern) and settled Mildrith's debt w/the silver plate, also convincing him to drop the wergild demand (by bribing him w/gold, and arguing that the man had been a thief). When the Danes didn't attack as Uhtred expected after the harvest was in (full barns), Mildrith prayed to God for peace, while Iseult and Uhtred sacrificed to Hoder, Odin and Thor (for war, which Uhtred wanted). As the chapter ends, Uhtred has been called to Cippanham to appear before the witan (and Alfred, uh oh).

5: Mildrith thot this was good, a sign of Uhtred's high status, but it turned out to be bad, i.e. Odda and Asser accusing Uhtred of participating w/Swein in Cynuit raid. At this time (c877, between Guthrum's breaking of the truce in 876 and the 878 battle of Ethandun [Edington] when Alfred defeated the Danes and Guthrum agreed to become a Christian), little Uhtred was still a baby. Uhtred hoped Alfred would again give him cmd of the fleet (he didn't much care for Alfred or whether he forgave Uhtred). They (Uhtred and Iseult, w/7 of Uhtred's men) reached Cippanhamm late on the 11th day of Yule (i.e. The witanegemot was held in the days leading up to the Feast of St Stephen, the day after Christmas 12/26, 'the 12th day of Christmas', but rather than come for the 12 day celebration (and earlier religious discussions by the witan), Uhtred was told to delay and appear on the 12th day of Christmas, hmmm, so 1st day of Christmas must be 12/15. This was probably Dec 877). The traditional Great Feast was planned for that evening. Uhtred met a worried Beocca, who quickly ushered him into the main hall w/Alfred, wife Aelswith (pregnant), and about 100 others. Aelswith and Odda smirked w/satisfaction as Uhtred was charged w/1 taking a king's ship to war w/Britons (true) and 2 joining the pagan Swein in attacking Cynuit (false). Leofric was also accused and was soon brought in. After Asser's 1st oath came Steapa Snotor, the 2nd oath-taker. He said Svein led 1 ship and Uhtred the other in the Cynuit attack. Now Uhtred lied, saying Iseult would vouch that her husband Peredur had planned to join the Danes in an attack on Wessex. After some confusion and Odda/Steapa whispering, Steapa challenged Uhtred to a sword duel to test which was telling the truth. Uhtred of course agreed. Alfred granted it and appointed Wulfhere to arrange the fight for the next day. They were denied attending the Feast but were sent some food. Harald bravely made a visit to offer fighting advice (incl that Steapa was left-handed and had an iron strip on his left foot, which he plants forward), since all knew Steapa was good. Uhtred didn't sleep well (worried, cold) and was summoned to Alfred in the morning. Iseult had signalled several times that he'd come out OK in all this. All others thot he'd be slaughtered. Alfred knew Uhtred was innocent of #2 but also that he was guilty of #1 (and that silver plate was stolen), so offered him to resume his debt to the RCC in return for cancelling the fight. Alfred preferred piety and order to fighting. Uhtred refused (young and foolish, Alfred: you're a liar, a fool, and a sinner, but Uhtred knew he couldn't walk away from a fight and stay a man, i.e. keep his reputation, 'the only thing that survives us' 124). Wulfhere had left town so Huppa was now to arrange the fight, delayed til around noon. At the last minute Uhtred shed is armor, helmet and shield to make himself quick and agile. Just a sword. All thot he was crazy, incl Leofric. Uhtred managed to get 2 cuts in before he noticed that Steapa was gazing past him. Also there were women screaming. Then Steapa dropped his shield and sword. The spectators were now running in panic. When Uhtred turned around (turning his back on Steapa). He saw that the town was burning, Alfred's prayers had failed and the Danes were attacking Wessex.

Uhtred: 'I hated Alfred ... for humiliating me at Exeter ... not my king ... he's a W Saxon, I'm a Northumbrian, and I reckoned that so long as he was king then Wessex had small chance of surviving [Uhtred was wrong about that, but understandably so]. He believed God would protect Wessex from Danes, but I believed they had to be defeated by swords' (123).

6: Steapa recovered his wits first, running toward his master Odda the Younger. Leofric then grabbed Uhtred and pulled him northward. Most had fled S and the Danes followed them, swords and spears ready. Uhtred's men had run and his horses were gone. They (Uhtred, Leofric, Iseult) laid low to plot their next move. The Danes were led by Guthrum the Unlucky, who wanted to rule Wessex as well as E Anglia. Uhtred thot of Ragnar, probably dead now w/the other hostages. Perhaps that's why Wulfhere had left? That would mean he'd have no refuge among the Danes. Plus he needed to protect Leofric and Iseult. How about Mildrith and little Uhtred ('my duty now was to my son ... so the name Uhtred of Bebbanburg would go on till the last weltering chaos of the dying world' 135). Hmmm. It seemed the end of Wessex and indeed England. They saw Haesten tormenting an injured Saxon w/11 other Danes. Reverting to type. Ravens arrived to feast on eyes and lips, 'the first course of every raven feast. The dogs and foxes would soon follow' (134, eeuw). Because Iseult was so cold, Uhtred unfurled his hair (posing as a Dane) and headed toward town to seek food and shelter. Leofric wanted to head to Hamtun and the fleet. The 3 made their way to the Corncrake tavern and beat up and threw out 5 young Danes who were assaulting Eanflaed. Other older Danes sat drinking and eating, clapping ironically at their victory. Leofric and Iseult said nothing (to avoid giving themselves away as non-Dane). Here they learned Guthrum had attacked w/3k Danes and planned to send half of them either S or E the next morning. The 4 (Eanflaed joined them) slept in the stable loft and left before dawn. Uhtred was heading SW for Oxton (via Baðum aka Bath [Badon, site of AD 493 Arthurian battle]). They wandered for a week, avoiding marauding Danes. When Uhtred suggested joining the Danes, Leofric protested that they'd be made slaves and that there MUST be Saxons left fighting somewhere (i.e. better to fight for Saxon freedom than Dane feudalism). Uhtred asks Iseult if she'd like to go back to Cornwall, but she wants to stay w/him, leader of a shining hoard (and a woman of gold), she forsees. They learn Eanflaed has lost a husband [in the 871 battle that k. King Æthelred] and 2 children and 'learned that all men are bastards' (142, except Leofric). They discuss Alfred, but Eanflaed says he and Uhtred will kill for what they want, but Alfred at least has a conscience and fears God. The narrator Uhtred admits this is a moment when he sees himself as others see him, part of growing up and not always comfortable (142). If Ragnar's dead, then Uhtred's a (reluctant) Saxon. They crossed a ridgeline to the S and looked over the 'great swamp' [Ætheling Æg, modern Athelney, Somerset] that stretched inland (SE) from the Saefern Sea, exuding brightness as the winter light reflected 'from the long meres [lakes] and winding creeks' (144). To reach Mildrith he either had to cross it (he'd heard a thousand stories of men lost 'in its wet tangles' 144) or go around it (and facing Danes on the main road).

They see an island village to the S, but also 6 priests to the W heading toward the village and carrying heavy sacks; food? Probably silver, says Uhtred, since priests love silver. Or books, Eanflaed says, since they like books too. Now 3 women and 2 children appear behind the priests, and the group continued E until they were just below Uhtred at the foot of the ridge (along the border of the marsh). Here they followed an invisible twisting path toward the village thru the bog. 5 of the priests led the women thru the bog, but 1 hurried back westward where he met 4 (Saxon) soldiers. But suddenly Danes began to appear, 6, then 8 more, then 10, a whole column of mounted Danes was streaming from the woods off the hills and toward the swamps. They had black shields and cloaks, so were obviously Guthrum's men. The lone priest had a sword and was bravely going to help the 4 soldiers, who were now surrounded. This is when Uhtred and Leofric rushed down the hill and challenged 2 Danes who had come after the lone priest, killing both. The ladies took the priest back into the bog as Uhtred k. an injured horse to block the narrow bog-path. As other Danes tried to pass, he and Leofric k. them one by one. The Danes had k. the 4 soldiers and were coming into the swamp. Uhtred discusses the 'battle calm' (like 'flow'), 'a joy comparable only to being w/a woman' (149). As he was about to k. another Dane, Uhtred heard a voice behind him say 'let him live, I want a prisoner'. He k. the Dane anyway. The villagers had sent small boats from behind to rescue the others. There was one boat left. Guthrum himself shouted that he'd hunt Uhtred like a dog and k. him that way too. They exchanged insults, and then Uhtred and Leofric raced back and jumped into the last small boat, and it turned out that the man waiting for them in it was the lone priest, none other than Alfred himself! (152, and a local poler pushing the boat thru the reeds). He was angry that Uhtred hadn't spared that prisoner. Alfred et al were just arriving at the village too. They hadn't heard of him yet (behind the times)!? The village elders discussed the situation and decided to spare Uhtred's party (i.e. probably considered k. them). Alfred's 3yo [b874] son (and heir) Edward was sick and 6yo [b871] dau Aethelflaed was there; 'bright head of golden curls, a beguiling smile, and clever eyes' (154). Aelswith was pregnant w/their 3rd child. A few days later Uhtred and Alfred talked alone (w/Aethelflaed asleep w/head on Alfred's lap). Alfred asked about young Uhtred and if Uhtred wanted to go to him. Of course yes, but Uhtred explained that these locals would likely just as soon cut Alfred's throat, but wouldn't as long as Uhtred was present (most hadn't heard of Alfred yet). Alfred saw he was probably right. He wanted Uhtred to call him lord, but he was obviously 'frightened, as if making a huge effort to hold onto the shreds of his dignity' (155). He knew Uhtred wouldn't but also knew Uhtred was suddenly indispensible (tho brave Alfred didn't much like warriors, i.e. brutes, dangerous, uninteresting). Alfred was thinking of escaping by boat to France. He asked Uhtred what he should do, and they talked it out. Best to get men, secure the swamp, then Devonshire, then expand from there. Each success would attract more leaderless men. Uhtred figured Alfred was doomed, he and his family would be hunted and k. by the Danes. When Alfred asked Uhtred and Leofric to defend him, Uhtred was angry about not being recognized for k. Ubba and even humiliated by 'crawling at your alter' (157). He raised his voice and awakened little Aethelflaed, who stared at him w/her big eyes. Her open eyes softened Uhtred (she remained still so Alfred didn't know she was awake). Uhtred explained that they'd need anger and hate to power the blades to kill Danes and win. 'Can you defend us here long enough to evade Danes and decide what to do?' said Alfred. Yes, said Uhtred. All the while Aethelflaed stared at Uhtred. Right there, Alfred charged Uhtred w/that task. He challenged Uhtred and, Uhtred of course accepted (Alfred knew Uhtred's type). 'Yes lord' Uhtred said. Uhtred reflects that he still thot Alfred was finished, and he only promised to 'be your man til your family is safe' (not forever), but he'd done it 'because a 6yo stared at me. And she had hair of gold' (158, hmmm, related to Iseult's prophecy?).

7: The kingdom of Wessex was now a swamp, and for a few days it possessed only a king, a bishop (Alewold), 4 priests, 2 soldiers (Uhtred and Leofric), the king's pregnant wife, 2 nurses, a whore (Eanflæd), 2 children (Edward, Æthelflaed), one of whom was sick (Edward), and Iseult (159). Since Alfred was suffering w/fever and stomach pains (as often afflicted him), Uhtred dismissed the 3 youngest priests to gather info and send back soldiers. They resisted w/Alewold until Uhtred brought up Aenflaed. He made them leave their silver, and when Aelswith tried to rescue the silver dish, Uhtred cut it into pieces, displaying the horde to the locals and assuring them there'd be 'silver for your help' (160) i.e. w/food, fuel, boats, help, news of Danes, etc. (he realized their loyalty was minimal, they were simple pragmatic people who distrusted outsiders). Uhtred soon explored S to a bigger island called Æthelingæg, following 'beamwegs' or paths made of logs thru the swamps. He realized they needed a fort there on a nearby hill and a way to block the river, since eventually Swein's boats would arrive there. The local headman was 'a grizzled and stubborn old man called Haswold' (163) who enjoyed having young girls as 'wives' (he had 6). He cared nothing for events outside the swamp and had a deadly accurate (but dull-minded) archer named Eofer (meaning boar). Uhtred sensed most of the locals weren't happy under his leadership and hatched a plan to remove him. Edward had by now grown desperately sick and Aelswith finally agreed to let Iseult try to help him. She performed an elaborate all-night ritual and he was healed (i.e. pagan druid magic). She explained that another had to die for him to live. At the worst of Alfred's low, Iseult assured him that he would again be king (she knew from her dreams). Once Iseult recovered from her ordeal, Uhtred took her (and Leofric) back to Haswold and offered her to him in return for his building the fort and river-block, which he quickly did. But when it was time for Iseult to go to him, she pulled out Uhtred's seax ('Wasp-Sting') and stabbed him. Uhtred soon finished him off and, in the next few days, also k. his 8 leading supporters, displaying all 9 heads on the fort wall (Iseult said this was 'strong magic' 174). In a mysterious way, Iseult had gotten Haswold's soul i.e. to give life, you must take it from somewhere else. When they returned, Alfred noted that Aelswith and Eanflaed had become friends (frmr didn't know latter's profession). Also, Alfred gave God credit (forgetting black magic, e.g. 'Black Water Hattie') and mentioned Boethius as a model i.e. who stood alone against sinners for 'civilization and true religion' (176). The next day Uhtred and Alfred scoped out how many Dane ships were at the Sæfern Sea near Cynuit (24 ships, ~1k soldiers, all but ~70 gone raiding). It was on this trip that they stayed w/the widow Elwide and Alfred burned her oatcakes. They climbed Mt Brant ('steep') and agreed to place a fire 'beacon' there to warn (2-3 hours) Aethelingaeg if/when the Danes headed upstream. They see a hill Iseult calls 'Avalon' (acc. to Eanflaed, near the edge of the swamp) where Arthur is buried (sleeping, hmmm, apparently between Mt Brant and Bath = Badon, Arthur's last battle, different theories). The reason Alfred burned the cakes is because he was 'in flow' realizing what he had to do i.e. 'can't afford a small war ... must crush, not just beat, the Danes, can't wait til they get reinforcements in spring (183-4). Uhtred was impressed, tho it was ambitious. It would seem more prudent to fight for 1 shire at a time, getting reinforcements, but normally cautious Alfred was 'betting it all' on the 'long bomb'. The Danes were raiding and plundering mostly in E Wessex. It was decided to burn Svein's 24 ships, and Uhtred was left in charge of forming a plan. He was inspired by the biblical 'parting of the waters' and as the chapter ends, we don't yet know the plan, but it involves Eofer the crack shot (probably firey arrows into the boats at night?). He mentions that Hoder's woman is the moon (p192, also that Hoder is 'the blind god of the night' 181) and that, for the 1st time since Guthrum struck in a winter's dawn, the Saxons were fighting back. Also, no thegns showed up in the swamp (all looking to their own local interests), but soldiers were trickling in. Uhtred is obviously top lt. Uhtred wondered what had become of Mildrith and little Uhtred, since the Danes were likely raiding in Devonshire.

8: Uhtred leads a war group (20 marshmen, 20 warriors, Eofer and E's small 10yo niece [who could keep him calm], Uhtred and Iseult) to Palfleot ('the place w/the stakes'), a small, burned-out settlement (huts on raised pilings) near the mouth of the Pedredan river. They had 2 'punts' [boats] and dropped off Uhtred, Iseult, Eofer and the 10yo (and 16 mailed warriors to tempt the Danes w/armor), while the rest headed NE in the boats. The Danes were just across the wide river, and Uhtred et al made sure the Danes noticed them. Uhtred has Eofer (via 10yo) shoot arrows across, tho a long way, he hits a few Danes! They also taunt the Danes (get them mad). They return fire but it falls short. Then he cuts the bowstring partway so Eofer's next arrow goes crazy (and the Danes see that, thinking they're now clear to attack). This was low tide and it had just begun rising. As the Danes gave chase across the low-tide river, Uhtred et all retreated to Palfleot and beyond, pretending to be bogged down in mud. There were 76 Danes and 30 'of us' (197). Now that the Danes were on the same [E] side of the river (near Palfleot), Uhtred et al began to run (feigning fear) across the [soon to be flooded] flats so the Danes would chase them, which they did. Uhtred headed to where the 2 boats had been stored earlier, as the marshmen poled them SE down a flooding creek, passing the Danes 1/4-mile away who were now trapped out in the flooding flats. The full moon made the tide bigger and faster, and high winds drove the water onto the flats. Suddenly the Danes saw the danger and headed back toward Palfleot ... too late ... meanwhile, Uhtred's group navigated to where the Danes' 2 ships were (near Palfeot, as the others waded toward them in deepening water), guarded by only 4 men who fled. They loaded their people and 2 small boats into the 2 Dane ships and headed for the main Dane landing near Cynuit, guarded by just a few men w/women and children. They retreated S as we burned their 23 ships (it took 'most of the day' [198] to be sure they burned all the way to the keel, the smoke a signal to W Wessex [incl. the swamp] of 'mission accomplished'). So 80 Danes had been defeated by 40 Saxons, the smoke signalling that Svein had been defeated (tho he himself wasn't there, but to the S). Uhtred feared he'd arrive any minute w/100s but he never did. Then they plundered the camp and left w/2 captured Dane ships by evening. A 'score' [12] Danes were stranded at Palfleot (now an island), the rest had died in the water. 'They watched us pass, didn't provoke us, I didn't hurt them' (they'd suffered enough for today). The smoke drifted for 3 days; on the 2nd Egwine took 40 men and k. all the surviving Danes (just the 12 at Palfleot or all?). 'Alfred was pleased w/me ... 2wks before he would've told me himself ... sat w/me by the water's edge and talked, but now a court had formed and the king was hedged w/priests' (199). Now Svein would join Guthrum at Cippanhamm. Beoca wanted Alfred to move to a city, but Alred realized he'd be a sitting duck for a siege, unlike here in the swamp. Alfred wanted to send someone (Uhtred) to Cippanhamm to survey the situation. Uhtred is fine w/that, but Alfred wants to come along, which Uhtred thinks is crazy. But Alfred insists, telling him its his (Uhtred's) job to protect him (at the risk of Iseult's life, who will stay behind as a 'hostage'). Iseult's magic had also made Alfred feel better; ''he walked confidently, had bright eyes, and looked strong' (202). That night Uhtred was tempted to bolt w/Iseult and join the Danes, but realized he had no chance w/o Ragnar to protect him (and brking his oath to Alfred would mean NO-ONE would trust him). 8 in all made the trip. It was 8 Feb 878, very bad weather (fortunately, since the Danes mostly stayed indoors). They arrived next day at Cippanhamm, viewed it from a distance, then found an abandoned mill bldg just to its S in the woods. Uhtred volunteered to go check out the town (Alfred wanted to). He figured ~2k Danes there, mostly indoors and drunk (another 1k raiding/occupying other towns, not quite enough to capture all of Wessex, so they waited for spring reinforcements from Denmark). When he got back Alfred was gone (oy vey, to the city!?). So Uhtred rushes back to find/rescue him (to save Iseult). He finds a chained Steapa being made to fight Danes for money (doing fine) at the nunnery and 1 last nun being prostituted there. He searched the faces lest someone recognize him. Then he finds Alfred, his harp broken, beaten up (and stole his coat/boats) in a corner of another room!? He'd been playing but they didn't like his music. Untred stole some clothes and went back for him. But Alfred then insisted on taking a look at his old hall (where Guthrum likely was, 'are you crazy?'). But they do, and Uhtred meets !? Ragnar and Brita! (w/a group of others drinking and laughing, in the old church near the hall).

9: As they greet each other joyfully, Alfred shrinks to a corner as Uhtred tells the Danes he's a slave who's been forbidden to talk. Ragnar explains that Wulfhere let them all live and had changed sides to the Danes (that's why he'd left before the attack, he KNEW it was coming). Ragner wanted Uhtred to join him (i.e. pledge an oath to him). As he pretended to drink, he avoided certain questions ('are you sworn to Alfred?') and bantered. The Danes wanted to find Aethelwold to use as a puppet to gain the support of most Saxons (later he'd be quietly killed, as was the Viking way). But while Ragnar was getting drunk, Brita eyed him carefully, asking 'why are you here?' (uh oh). Uhtred did drink to 'Swords to Dunholm', pledging to someday join Ragnar to attack Kjartan and Sven, who'd k. Ragnar's dad and also stolen Bebbanburg. Uhtred was sorely tempted to blurt out 'that's Alfred', knowing that 1 sentence would allow him to rejoin the Danes (even Guthrum would forgive him) and finish Wessex (he knew no-one else could save her). He even started forming the sentence, which Brida noticed but no-one else did. Brita, all grown up, was even more beautiful now than before. He felt fear when he learned they'd heard of his insults to Guthrum. Ragnar (like all Danes) wanted to hear the story of Ubba's death e.g. 'did he die well?'. So Uhtred told it. When all were asleep (and drunk) later, he and Alfred left. Alfred couldn't believe Wulfhere would turn on him. He told Alfred Aethelwold was a prisoner (a lie) since he owed him a favor. But just as they walked away from the bldg Brida appeared, pressing him for the real answers. He told her Iseult saw in dreams that not only would Alfred survive, he'd win, 'green hill of dead men, a white horse, and Wessex living again'. He said glibly he came to see her! but she knew it was a lie. She suspected he'd been sent by Alfred, because 'that's what I'd do if I were him'. Then 'why not tell Guthrum' Uhtred said? 'Because he's a nervous fool, and when he fails, Ragnar will take cmd' (226). Then she asks why he wouldn't give the oath. 'Because I don't want Bebbanburg to be a gift of the Danes' v. winning it w/Serpent-Breath. He tells her to tell Ragner that, when the time is right, they'll go N together to finish off Kjartan and Sven. 'But in my own time'. She says 'I hope you'll live to keep that promise', kisses his cheek, and walks back to the church. When Uhtred tried to lead Alfred away, he insisted on going back for Steapa and the nun!? After some fighting they do so, and Alfred orders Steapa and Uhtred to 'be friends', and Steapa carried the nun back, wrapped in blankets (she [called Hild, young and beautiful] was naked, they seemed to hit it off, 1st he comforted her, later she him [verbally]). Then back to the mill. He says 'the world began in chaos and will end in chaos. The gods brought it into existence, and they'll end it when they fight amongst themselves, but in [the meantime] is order, made by oaths that bind us like the buckles of a harness' (229). As Untred thot of Ragnar's request, he felt 'affronted' i.e. it meant he didn't think of Uhtred as an equal, but lesser. 'I am Uhtred of Bebbanburg, slayer of Ubba, and while I would give an oath to a king, I was reluctant to [do so] to an equal', since the oath-giver is subservient to the oath-accepter. Tho he'd no doubt treat me well, he sees me as his follower and him as my protector (true enough among Danes). To Danes all Saxons are lesser. He'd never thot it thru before, but suddenly he realized 'that among the Danes he was only as important as his friends, w/o them he was just another landless, masterless warrior. But among Saxons I was another Saxon, and among [them] I didn't need another man's generosity' (230). Soon after that he met Steapa down by the river and confronted him on his lie re Cynuit, using the derogatory nickname, which angered Steapa. But it now struck him that, tho extremely powerful and an excellent fighter, Steapa 'was truly stupid ... needed someone to instruct [and lead] him ... next time we fight Danes you'll be w/me [v. guarding weaklings like Odda the Younger, as he'd done at Cynuit, Uhtred deduced]' (231). After what he'd learned, Alfred now sent written notes 'on scraps of parchment' to all his ealdormen to tell them he was planning for victory (and NOT to desert the Saxon cause). Seeing this, Iseult was impressed and wanted to learn to read/write, saying 'it is a magic ... words are like breath ... you say them and they're gone. But writing traps them. You could write down stories, poems' (232). So Uhtred asked Hild to teach her, which she happily did; they looked striking together w/raven-blk [Iseult] v. pale gold hair. They restored the beamwegs [walkways] and built a 'strong fort of earth and tree trunks' where the log road met dry land. In late Feb 100 Danes came to challenge it, but after one look (ditch, palisades, log wall, spears) they rode away. Aelswith delivered her 3rd child, calling her Æthelgifu. She wanted to move to a city, but Alfred said no; 'after Easter but before Pentecost, he would strike the pagans' (233). It rained almost contually that late winter, making a mess of everything. Svein had, suprisingly, NOT joined Guthrum, so was apparently 'still skulking in Devonshire' (235). A priest he'd sent was vague on exactly where he was (hmmm, suspicious) so Alfred sends Uhtred and Steapa (latter's home area) to check it out. And again he wants Iseult to stay back (as a 'surety' [hostage]). Uhtred had hit if off w/7yo Aethelflead, but she worries that Iseult is an 'aglaecwif' (fiend, monster, so she's been told). But Uhtred says no, she's a good woman. Uhtred is to locate Svein, then order Odda the Y to 'raise the fyrd' [militia] and drive Swein out of Devon, then report to the swamp w/his men to be Alfred's bodyguard. Alfred knew he couldn't have Svein behind him as he attacked Guthrum at Cippenhamm. They arrived at his old homstead and he discovered his dog's body ('stroked its bare skull', teared up, awww, bur. it lovingly) and locals told him his mother had also been k. (bur. nearby to S, he'd been good to her, brot her $, bot her freedom; father d. long time back). The Danes had dug up the gold by the posts. The Danes had come just after Yule. After Steapa visited his mom's grave (and Uhtred thot he might dig her up), Uhtred reminded him they had a job to do i.e. 'Danes to kill'. They left together.

10: They ride S [toward Oxton]. Steapa implies his real dad was E Odda Sr's steward i.e. 'a man to give us orders ... a big man, very tall [like Steapa, unlike his dad, whom Uchtred guesses was short, to which Steapa says '[Hey,] how did you know that?' :-). The land was strangely less damaged as they travelled further south [uh oh]. They were told the Danes were at Cridianton [modern Crediton, Devon]. When a priest described their banner, Uchtred knew it was Svein 'of the White Horse' [ship, which Uchtred had recently destroyed]. They headed there, and saw Odda's Hall, where he'd m. Mildred after the Cynuit battle, w/a triangular Dane banner flying nearby. Next they headed to the shire reeve's [Harald, the one who'd demanded Uchtred pay Mildrith's debt] hall at Ocmundtun [Okehampton, Devon], 'which lay beneath the N edge of the grt moor' (244, Uchtred hesitated to go there, fearing Odda Jr would k. him, but Steapa [whose earlier lord had been Odda Sr] said he wouldn't let it happen). They had an uneasy mtg in the hall and demanded to know 'why are there Danes in Defnascir [Devonshire]?' Turns out after Svein's ships were burned, he'd made a separate peace w/Odda Jr (to recoup, rebld, avoid losing more men to fighting [for awhile]). Here's where Uchtred saw Mildrith, caring for Odda Sr (and upset to see Uchtred). They figured Swein had ~1k men (v. 2k in the local 'fyrd' or militia, so why not drive them out?). W/o Odda's support there weren't enough men, esp. w/Brits to the W would would join the Danes if it looked like they were winning (250). Harald was against Odda's peace, but did believe the Danes were winning, to which Uchtred responds; 'we're still free men' (and H nods). Svein was 'clever, strong, savage [and ruthless]' (i.e. 'a Dane' U responds). Guthrum was cautious v. Svein the risk-taker, so Uchtred knew Svein was the more dangerous man. Harald was awkward about Mildrith 'nursing' Odda Sr. Uchtred: [well] he is her godfather. Hmmm, maybe more going on? Then he tells U that U Jr d. by choking on a pebble as a baby. U knew it was on St Vincent's Day i.e. the life required to save little Edw, Alfred's son. H confirmed M hates U and wants to join a nunnery (nearly went mad w/grief). So the summons was issued for the fyrd to assemble, which would take a week. Meanwhile they had 30 men v. Svein's 800 nearby! The Danes didn't come that night (fortunately) but Odda Jr did the next day w/Svein. Since they came w/only 120 men U knew it wasn't to fight, only to talk. Odda made it clear he thot Alfred was finished. But Harald noted Alfred had made Odda E, so if he's done, O has no authority. O then suggested a mtg in the Hall. U intuits that Svein had promised to make O the new Saxon king! Then O suggests U and Steapa finish their fight (ordered by Alfred). OK. But just as it looks like U is finished (S got better sword), he turns fast and cuts O's throat!? He's loyal to Alfred now ('he rescued me'). Odda Sr had told S to 'make it fast' and says 'my son had no business making peace w/the pagans'. Svein considered attacking, but thot better and agreed 'we have a truce ... til tomorrow' and they rode off. U retrieves his bur. horde 'bur. beside the post' and tells a priest who has 'maintained' (lived off of) his estate that 'it belongs to Mildrith now'. He's reached the S end of England, and will now begin his journey back N (to Bamburgh). Next morning U, Steapa and 6 warriors ride N to chase the Danes (not to fight, to monitor). They followed pillars of [plunder] smoke. They'd done as Alfred wanted; driven Svein back to Guthrum. Might've been smarter to leave them separate, but Alfred was going for the single 'big win'; he had to overwhelm them (and impress and inspire Saxons). U worried that not enough Saxons would show for the big battle. Truth is Alfred is too weak, but waiting longer will make it worse, so he has to fight or lose his kingdom.

11: Iseult says she's responsible for U Jr's death, but Uchtred says no, its fate, not her fault, she doesn't cmd fate. She's become a Chr due to the urgings of a new Briton priest among them named Father Pyrlig (mom a Saxon, 'poor thing' 280). Tho Uchtred wanted to hate him, the guy was just plain lovable. He also hated Asser (w/U), was a 'big bellied, big hearted' and jovial man and former soldier (who'd LOVED it). Discussing the battle between the Chr [Saxon] and pagan [Dane] gods, he says gods are like bulls; 'what happens when you put 2 bulls to a herd of cows?'. U: '1 bull dies'. P: 'there you are! Gods are the same'. U: 'so we get humped?'. P just laughs and says 'theology's difficult' but the point is 'we can't have pagans around here'. Guthrum had offered much for P to 'sic' his fellow Brits on the Saxons in the swamp (he'd recently been to Cippenhamm). He said Asser wants Alfred to win, 'not because he loves Saxons - even he's not THAT curdled :-) - but because he loves God' (270). P caught a frog w/a face like Asser, so he blessed it and threw it back. P lost 2 sons, but kept 3 others and 4 daughters; 'why do you think I'm never home?'. He says Aelswith 'was weaned on gall juice ... got a tongue in her like a starving weasel! Poor Alfred'. He says Alfred's not happy, 'that's the last thing he is! Some folks catch God like a disease, and he's one of them. He's like a cow after winter ... [overeats grass and bloats] nothing but shit and wind ... staggers and drops dead if don't take her off the grass for awhile ... Alfred's got too much of the good green grass of God and now he's sick on it. But he's a good man ... too thin, but good'. Then he told U Iseult will be baptized at Easter (she'd already told U). Battle was 6 weeks away (Ascension Day they'd march from the swamp, gathering fyrds along the way and form up at Egbert's (Alfred's gdad) Stone S of Cippenhamm [Ethandun in between]) and Alfred wanted Guthrum's foraging parties to be harried in the meantime (and U wanted to miss Easter in the swamp, 'nothing but prayers and psalms and priests and sermons' 272). Leofric was now cmdr of the King's bodyguard, thx to Eanflaed who was 'in' w/Aelswith. The women made 2 banners for Alfred, 1 the green dragon flag of Wessex, the other a Chr cross flag. Guthrum would have 5k men at least, and Alfred could raise (U: said 4k, but lying, 3k w/enormous luck, 2k not likely ... ? this is the question whose answer will determine England's future). In a talk w/Alfred the night before A-Day, U says 'life is simple; ale, women, sword, reputation; nothing else matters' (278). Next morning they left. P says Iseult is still a shadow queen (crossing himself). P's mom was 'a healer and a scryer [knew what was happening far away] ... Asser [and other clerics] hates the pwr of women ... not just tits ... [tho they're] pwrfl enough, but the real thing ... My mom had it ... no shadow queen ... but a healer and scryer ... folks came to her from miles around ... just to get her touch ... priests don't like it when they don't understand things [nor when] folk go to the women to be healed' (282). P says Iseult is unhappy because she loves U and therefore must live among Saxons ... like a beautiful young hind that must live among grunting pigs'. U: 'what a gift for words you have'. They reached a hilltop where they could gaze down into 'the long lovely valley of the Wilig' (285, where Ethandun and Egbert's Stone are, SW of Cippenhamm). While Alfred decided where the 1k (so far) men should camp, U rode N w/Leofric, Steapa and Pyrlig to scout. To the NE were 'great downs, steep hills' (286). U caught a glimpse of some horsemen far off to the N, Danes no doubt who's also seen him. As U pondered 1 to 5 odds and P said 'w/God on your sign, who can beat you', U said to P 'give me a sign', so P says 'look', pointing down to the Wilig, seeing many more Saxons streaming into the valley. 'Up to our arseholes' says Leofric! [they head back to camp for the night]

12: Next day they count nearly 3k men in the Wilig valley due to (still continuing) arrivals, and U heads back N to the distant hill where he thot he'd seen Danes. P came along, ostensibly last-minute, tho U notices Alfred had his horse all ready (to make U a Chr). P says if Alfred loses, Christ loses. But he says he was anyway going to tell Alfred U was a Chr, and the real reason P wanted to come along was because he misses being a warrior, he loved it! 'All that irresponsibility, kill and make widows, frighten children! I was good at it, and I miss it. And I was always good at scouting. We'd see you Saxons blundering away like swine and you never knew we were watching you' (291, like 'Rome' 'k. the men, enjoy their women, take their gold' i.e. pagan frankness). Their job now was to find Danes. Alfred had marched into the Wilig to block any advance Guthrum might make into Wessex' heartland, but he feared they'd end-run him. It was early May and the sun was low in the W. They went slowly. Beautiful country w/mayflowers in bloom, etc. Soon P saw mud/footprints under some trees, quite fresh. U got a sudden feeling like they were being watched. P sensed where they'd be (W) so they headed there. At a clearing they saw 30-40 Danes on the far side of the valley. They must've seen U and P but thot U was a Dane too (he looked like it w/long hair and arm-bands). They crossed the valley to get closer, then followed them back to their camp, where there were ~150 Danes in a small pasture, w/1st fires being lit. Just as they thot of leaving, they heard voices close by, Saxon voices?! Wulfhere's men. A couple come close for a pee-brk, and U ends up killing 1 (Osbergh, cmdr of Wulfhere's household troops) and capturing the other (Aethelwold, O's charge, to 'keep out of trouble'). U tells A that, because he owes him a favor, he's going to tell Alfred that A was imprisoned by the Danes and that he WANTS to join Alfred. Tho Alfred hates A he'll spare his life if A tells reveals how many Danes are here (5k) and says he wants to join Alfred's army. Also A knows Guthrum plans to arrive tomorrow in the valley w/his army. Later Alfred cornered U to check his story, but U just said 'that's what he told me' and P backs him up. P later says he trusts U's judgment. Next day they spot (from a hilltop) the army rumbling S in the distance and see an ancient fort near Ethandun, hoping Guthrum will ignore it (he won't). It was going to be 5k v. 3.5k. The armies were about 6 miles apart, so the battle would be next day. U sees his cousin Aethelred*, son of U's mom's bro (both Mercians). Alfred gave a mediocre battle speech and they tried to sleep, but couldn't due to nerves and rain. Iseult said she'd had no dreams (e.g. of battle's outcome) since her baptism. U told her that if he were k. she should take Hild and his horse (saddlebags loaded w/all his treasure) and start anew. He wants her to be 'lady of Bebbanburg' but she tearfully knew otherwise from her dreams. Hild came to the battle too, hoping to personally k. Eric, her tormentor (pimp). Scouts discovered that Guthrum had taken up the old fort on a hill, so they'd have to march there and have a disadvantage in the battle. When he sees them, U says (to us) 'I love the Danes. There are no better men to fight, drink, laugh or live with' (310). They were already making a huge racket banging their weapons and taunting. Alfred called a mtg to discuss strategy; U made some suggestions which A partly took, but not U's idea to throw the whole Saxon army at Svein's area, knowing Guthrum was cautious and wouldn't risk too many troops from the fort to save his enemy Svein. U didn't think his side could win.

* Uchtred's mom, who d. in childbirth (w/him), was Mercian, and her bro Aethelred was an ealdorman there (w/a son by the same name i.e. Uchtred's cousin). Perhaps Aethelred was descended from (or otherwise related to) L39 King Aethelred of Northumbria r841-4 and 844-9? (cf tph p200).

13: OK, we've arrived at the fateful battle scene, all 31 pages of it! They make a shield wall and during the 1st skirmish U's part makes headway v. Svein's but the Wiltshire fyrd (led by Osric its 'grim' [289] shire reeve) crumpled on the other end (many k. or fled). That happened because they faced Wulfhere's Saxons, and many of them bolted across the lines to join Osric's men, causing breaks allowing Danes to bolt thru, k. the defectors, then rampage thru the rest of the ranks. It was rainy and miserable. U kept Aethelwold nearby; he wanted to be a warrior but lacked skill and courage. At a brk, U wanted to attack Swein's group, but Alfred said no. 'Paralyzed by fear of doing the wrong thing, he did nothing ... let the enemy make the next decision' (326). Alfred sent U to the other side to shore it up. And Svein also moved there to face them. This is when U realized the Danes were scared too. 'Something odd then happened' (329). U moved out ahead and shouted/taunted them, challenging one to face him (tho Alfred had always discouraged that). Out came Svein on his white horse, which U managed to impale using P's spike. The horse then bolted, throwing Svein, and just as he was getting to his feet, Steapa took off his head in 1 blow. That led to slaughter of the Danes 'because we had the fury and they did not' (331). But Svein's horsemen headed around the side and raided the women and extras, killing Iseult (who d. protecting Hild, who'd swung at one). During the next pause (after they'd k. all the Danes in their area) U noticed that down a hill and up the next led to 'the fort's E corner' and wondered if that was a vulnerability, but turned away on seeing Ragnar in the distance. Well, he was right and some of Osric's men did that and attacked the Danes from behind, ending the battle (the rest fled w/Guthrum, ever-cautious, 'the 1st to run'). But before that happened, U's group tried several frontal assaults up the fort wall. Leofric was k. and U hit. U feared Alfred would agree to discuss terms v. persist in battle, which he hated. When U finally got on top, he expected battle, but found silence (since the E assault had by now happened). There was mopping up going on and U saw Ragnar facing a circle of Saxons, so he lunged at him, bowled him over and Steapa and P turned away other Saxons so U could protect R. He was wounded and dejected that they'd lost the battle. He'd warned Guthrum they should leave the fort and fight in the open, but 'he feared defeat more than he ever wanted victory' (346). But Leofric and Iseult were dead. 'The price of Wessex', U says.

- Historical Note: "The Westbury white horse is cut into the chalk of the escarpment beneath Bratton Camp on the edge of Wiltshire Downs ... The present horse ... was cut in the 1770s, making it the oldest of Wiltshire's 10 white horses, but local legend says that it replaced a much older horse that was emblazoned into the chalk hillside after the battle of Ethandun [Edington] in 878" (347). Guthrum had broken the 876 truce of Wareham and more recently also the truce [to leave Exeter, retreat to Gloucester in Danish-held Mercia, give Danish hostages], by attacking Chippenham and forcing Alfred into the swamps. Some great nobles (e.g. Wulfhere, Earl of Wiltshire) had defected. The great Danish enemies before Guthrum had been the 3 Lothbrok brothers, last of them defeated at Cynuit (where TLK ends, 348). TLK tells of the Viking defeat of Northumbria, Mercia, E Anglia and TPH tells how Wessex nearly followed them into oblivion. For a few months in early 878 the idea of England, its culture and language, were reduced to a few square miles of swamp" (349).

Bernard Cornwell