Geo-Political Power of [Great] Nations

The idea of this file came from the 2013 bk 'Balance: The Economics of Great Powers: From Ancient Rome to Modern America' by economists Glenn HUBBARD and Tim KANE. Their funny little drawing shown above depicts the 6 Great Powers (GPs) they primarily cover: the Roman Empire, Ming China, the Ottomans, Spain, Britain and the USA (also chapters on Japan, EU and CA). As the title suggests (and the drawing reinforces), order and success result from balance and that they all eventually got OUT of balance and failed along at least 1 of the authors' 4 axes; 1 'bounded rationality' i.e. rulers limited by ignorance, partisan gridlock, etc., 2 'national identity' which leads to strong national institutions (and people's trust in them), 3 'loss aversion' i.e. leaders don't innovate since afraid to lose their gravy-train, and 4 'time preference' i.e. leaders avoid making hard choices, e.g. hoping to stick blame on opposition (cf prisoner's dilemma). As economists, they focus on that aspect of success, which of course underwrites all the others. They also mention Mancur OLSON's (1932-98) 1982 bk 'Rise and Decline of Nations' and Francis Fukuyama's 1989 'End of History' essay. Also Daron ACEMOGLU and James ROBINSON's 2012 'Why Nations Fail' (i.e. on 'extractive elites' v. 'inclusive institutions').

The authors say that, while economic strength IS a proxy for 'geo-political power', its not quite enough to just compare raw GDP when comparing national economies; 2 added factors must be added: productivity (GDP per person) and growth rate. So their suggested formula is:

Geo-pol. pwr = GDP * GDPpp * sqrt(growth rate)

So, after reading this book and then seeing 'The Economist' magazine's annual December ranking of the top (81 of 194 total) nations on earth in terms of these 3 inputs (and others) I put together the following info on what I'll call the world's 7 'power blocks':

K [J I H G F E D C B A]
K = Economist World 2024 (Dec 2023)
J = " " 2023 (Dec 2022)
I = " " 2022 (Dec 2021)
H = " " 2021 (Dec 2020)
G = " " 2020 (Dec 2019)
F = " " 2019 (Dec 2018)
E = " " 2018 (Dec 2017)
D = " " 2017 (Dec 2016)
C = " " 2016 (Dec 2015)
B = " " 2015 (Dec 2014)
A = " " 2014 (Dec 2013)

From 2016 Economist World (Dec 2015, only 81 [of 194] nations represented) [I'm using 'Balance' bk's method; GDP * GDPpp * sqrt (growth rate) to get 'geopol power']

1 USA (WA DC) 28.2T (#3 342m pop) * 82.62k (PPP) * 0.8% -> 2333 @ 1% [1974 3488 2651 1880 2021 1844 1747 1704 1878 1552] 46 Joseph Robinette BIDEN (45 Donald John TRUMP ...) #4 3.7M sq mi

01 CA 2.7T (39.5M) * 69.477k * 3.0% = 325 ( F 12-31-18 Larry Ellison 59B)
02 NY 1.5T (19.8M) * 75.758 * 4.3% = 236 (o/l #s)
03 TX 1.7T (28.3M) * 59.927 * 2.6% = 164 ( F 02-28-19 Alice Walton 45B)
04 PA .684T (12.8M) * 53.438 * 4.0% = 73 (o/l #s)
[5 FL .7697T (19.8M) * 38.69 * 2.7% = 49 ( F 08-17-15 Micky Arison 7.9B cruise)]
05 FL .883T (20.6M) * 43.459 * 3.1% = 68 ( F 04-25-17 Thomas Peterffy 13.2B broker)
06 GA .554T (10.4M) * 53.145 * 2.7% = 48 ( F 05-31-19 Jim Kennedy 9.7B
07 MA .477T (6.8M) * 70.167 * 2.0% = 47 ( F 01-24-17 Abigail Johnson, Fid 14.3B)
08 OH .5852T (11.6M) * 50.475 * 2.1% = 43 ( F 05-31-16 Leslie Wexner 7B Gap)
09 CO .343T (5.6M) * 61.127 * 3.6% = 40 ( F 08-31-18 Philip Anschutz 13.9B)
10 IL .6804T (12.9M) * 52.827 * 1.2% = 39 ( F 11-02-15 Ken Griffin 7B)
11 NJ .592T (9.0M) * 65.708 * 0.9% = 39 (@1% F 04-30-19 John Overdeck 6.1B hedge fund)
[x CO .2797T (5.4M) * 52.214 * 4.7% = 32 ( F 09-07-15 Chas Ergen 18B)]
12 MN .351T (5.6M) * 62.962 * 1.9% = 30 ( F 11-30-18 Glen Taylor 2.7B)
13 MI .459T (9.9M) * 46.321 * 1.9% = 29 ( F 07-26-16 Dan Gilbert 4.9B Intuit/Cavs)
14 VA .481T (8.4M) * 57.262 * 1.4% = 28 ( F 02-28-17 Jacqueline Mars 27B)
15 WA .449T (7.2M) * 62.361 * ? = 28 (@1% o/l #s)
16 MD .378T (6.0M) * 62.877 * 1.3% = 27 ( F 06-29-17 Ted Lerner $5.5B prop dev)
17 NC .51T (10.0M) * 51.0 * ? = 26 (@1% o/l #s)
18 OR .2158T (4.0M) * 53.446 * 4.1% = 23 ( F 11-29-16 Phil Knight fam $24.4B)
[x MN .335T (5.5M) * 60.716 * 1.3% = 23 ( F 12-12-17 Whitney MacMillan (Cargill) 6B)]
19 TN .3288T (6.7M) * 49.43 * 2.0% = 23 ( F 09-05-17 Th Frist Jr & fam HCA $8.5B)
20 WI .3058T (5.8M) * 52.985 * 1.8% = 22 ( F 11-08-16 John Menard Jr $9.6B)
21 IN .342T (6.6M) * 51.546 * 1.5% = 21.6 ( F 12-26-17 Carl Cook catheters 8.1B)
22 CT .2585T (3.6M) * 71.805 * 0.6% = 19 (@1% F 09-13-16 Ray Dalio 15.9B hedge fnds)
23 MO .293T (6.1M) * 48.224 * 1.3% = 16 ( F 12-30-16 Stan Kroenke 7.4B)
[x LA .251T (4.6M) * 46.448 * 1.9% = 16 ( F 12-14-15 Tom Benson 2.2B d. Mar '18)]
24 LA .2463T (4.7M) * 52.571 *-0.2% = 13 (@1% F 09-30-2018 Gayle Benson 2.7B)
25 AZ .298T (6.8M) * 43.824 * 0.9% = 13 (@1% F 12-20-16 Bruce Halle 6.3B)
26 UT .156T (3.1M) * 51.243 * 3.0% = 14 ( F 02-28-18 Jon Huntsman Sr 1.2B chems)
26 UT .156T (3.1M) * 51.243 * 3.0% = 14 ( F 04-30-18 Gail Miller 1.2B Larry widow)
27 IA .168T (3.1M) * 53.982 * 0.4% = 9 (@1% F 01-08-16 Harry Stine 3.2B)
28 OK .18T (3.9M) * 46.129 * 1.3% = 9 ( F 08-23-16 Harold Hamm 13B)
[x OK .179T (3.9M) * 46.058 * 2.8% = 14 ( F 04-19-16 George Kaiser 7.5B oil)]
29 KY .195T (4.4M) * 43.986 * 1.1% = 9 ( F 06-13-17 B Wayne Hughes 2.7B Pub Strg)
30 AL .201T (4.8M) * 41.352 * 0.7% = 8 (@1% F 06-29-16 Jimmy Rane 610M)
[x AL .1962T (4.8M) * 40.621 * 0.8% = 8 (@1% F 05-25-15 Garry Drummond 980M)]
31 SC .199T (4.9M) * 40.612 * ? = 8 (@1% o/l #s)
32 KS .153T (2.9M) * 52.715 * 0.2% = 8 (@1% F 10-24-17 Chas Koch $53B)
33 WV .0748T (1.9M) * 40.446 * 5.1% = 7 ( F 06-21-16 Jim Justice 1.6B coal)
34 NE .112T (1.9M) * 58.947 * ? = 7 (@1% o/l #s)
35 NV .133T (2.8M) * 46.792 * 1.0% = 6 ( F 02-08-16 Sheldon Adelson 22B)
36 DE .0635T (925k) * 68.631 * 1.6% = 6 ( F 06-15-15 Robt Gore 675M)
37 NH .0662T (1.3M) * 49.951 * 2.3% = 5 ( F 09-28-15 Andrea Reimann-Ciardelli 1B)
38 AR .123T (3.0M) * 41.0 * ? = 5 (@1% o/l #s)
39 NM .092T (2.1M) * 44.089 * 1.0% = 4 ( F 12-28-15 Mack Chase 650M)
40 HI .0705T (1.4M) * 49.686 * 0.8% = 4 (@1% F 11-23-15 Pierre Omidyar 8B)
41 AK .053T (738k) * 71.508 * ? = 4 (@1% F 10-04-16 Jonathan Rubini ?)
[x AK .0487T (737k) * 66.16 *-1.3% = 3 (@1% F 07-20-15 Robt Gillam 320M)]
42 ND .0521T (758k) * 68.724 * ? = 4 (@1% F 05-31-18 Gary Tharaldson 900M)
43 MS .108T (2.9M) * 36.029 * 0.8% = 4 (@1% F 06-30-18 Th/James DUFF 1.2B ea)
44 MT .046T (1.0M) * 44.468 * 3.5% = 4 ( F 05-16-17 Dennis Washington 5.9B)
45 ID .067T (1.68M)* 39.970 * 1.8% = 4 ( F 07-27-17 Frank Vandersloot 1.9B)
46 WY .04T (586k) * 68.259 * ? = 3 (@1% o/l #s)
47 RI .056T (1.1M) * 50.909 * ? = 3 (@1% o/l #s)
48 SD .0438T (850k) * 51.357 * 0.6% = 2 (@1% F 02-29-16 T Denny Sanford 1.4B)
49 ME .0561T (1.3M) * 42.16 * 0.2% = 2 (@1% F 05-10-16 Bill/Sue Alfond 2.4B)
50 VT .0272T (627k) * 43.354 * 0.6% = 1 (@1% F 06-29-15 John Abele 600M)

Total 18.151T (322.664M) 56.254K 1701

xx Fed Spend 4.187T ( ... hmmm, 18.151T to 22.3T is 4.149T ?!

28.2T/174.2T = 16% [J? 24.5/148.4 = 16.5%] of world GDP
342m/7832m = 4.4% [334.8m/7.77b=4.3% #4] of pop
2333/10071 = 23% [3488/11172=31%] of ppp

[their 30 - Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, + Canada, Australia, NZ (? S Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Israel ...)]

2 Europe (Brussels) 36.6T (624m) * 50.588k [31/620] * 4.87% (der) -> 2687 [3504 3078 1761 1804 1665 1324 1329 1208 993] (sum)

EC (EU's exec arm) Pres: Jean-Claude Juncker
Eur Council (heads of govt gather) head: Donald Tusk
FM: Federica Mogherini

[their 30 - Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, + Canada, Australia, NZ (? S Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Israel ...)]

1 Germany (Berlin) 5.7T (#14 82.8m) * 68.55k * 0.9% = 389 @ 1% [347 632 575 261 332 308 235 251 230 174] Olaf SCHOLZ L (Angela Merkel R[ino]), 135k sq mi
2 France (Paris) 4.1T (64.9m) * 63.25k * 0.8% = 260 @ 1% [231 396 430 184 184 179 127 126 106 95] Emanuel MACRON (L), 212k sq mi
3 UK (London) 4T (68m) * 58.64k * 0.7% = 234 @ 1% [212 422 398 163 171 156 125 166 159 132] Rishi SUNAK R, 93k sq mi
4 Australia (Canberra) 1.9T (26.6m) * 71.24k * 1.9% = 186 [141 127 92 123 108 100 100 83 83 88] Anthony ALBANESE L, #6 2.9M sq mi
5 Italy (Rome) 3.3T (58.7m) * 56.33k * 0.7% = 186 @ 1% [158 289 264 115 114 103 88 81 74 70] Giorgia MELONI R, 114k sq mi
6 Ireland (Dublin) 727B (5.1m) * 142.55k * 3.1% = 182 [216 156 86 68 64 52 40 25 20 10] Leo VARADKAR (1st coalition betw rival parties L Fine Gael [Leo V] & R? Fianna Fail [Michael MARTIN] + Greens) (taoseach), 27k sq mi
7 Canada (Ottawa) 2.5T (39.1m) * 62.93k * 0.9% = 155 @ 1% [194 235 195 127 123 117 118 113 115 107] Justin Trudeau L, #2 3.9M sq mi
8 Spain (Madrid) 2.4T (47.5m) * 50.46k * 1.2% = 132 [103 233 200 119 122 125 94 98 64 50] PM Pedro Sanchez L (PSOE, weakened after Jul '23 election deliv'd most votes for cntr-R PP but < majority, so unstable PSOE govt will limp on), 193k sq mi
9 Poland (Warsaw) 1.8T (40.2m) * 43.99k * 2.3% = 118 [69 133 95 89 76 67 53 46 48 29] Cons PiS came up short in Oct '23 elections aft 8yrs on top, main oppo Civic Platform PO poised to t/o, but will face hostile legislature [prev: Mateusz Morawiecki R 'Law & Justice Party' which angers EU ldrs but holds fast to trad. values] 118k sq mi (R, but 'real' pwr is Jaroslaw Kaczynski, bro of frmr PM k. in plane crash in '11?)
10 Norway (Oslo) 690B (5.6m) * 123.17k * 1.8% = 114 [74 44 42 34 31 28 27 25 40 46] Labor Party & its Cntr Party lead a minority govt, not new so stable politically [prev: Erna Solberg R], 141k sq mi
11 Netherlands (Hague) 1.3T (17.6m) * 76.1k * 0.3% = 102 @1% [92 154 123 79 91 81 45 62 40 10] Geert WILDERS R 'Trump of Neth' yet to form a govt aft Nov '23 election win [prev: Mark Rutte R 'People's Party for Freedom & Democracy'], 13k sq mi
12 Romania (Bucharest) 888B (19.6m) * 45.3k * 3.4% = 74.2 [53 59 42 36 32 31 22 18 8 8] Pres Iohannis (R) PM Ludovic Orban (R), 89k sq mi
13 Switzerland (Bern) 810B (8.9m) * 91.06k * 1% = 73.8 [64 94 80 48 56 45 43 36 43 33] 7-member council (R), 15k sq mi
14 Denmark (Copenhagen) 489B (5.9m) * 82.85k * 2.6% = 65 [44 45 43 28 25 22 16 15 13 10] Mette Frederiksen (L), 16k sq mi
15 Belgium (Brussels) 822B (11.7m) * 70.23k * 1.1% = 61 [50 74 76 37 37 35 24 28 24 10] Alex De CROO R? 7-party coalition (Chas Michael R), 12k sq mi
16 Sweden (Stockholm) 725B (10.5m) * 69.07k * 1% = 50 [48 67 56 40 44 43 38 38 33 31] cntr-R coalition [prev Stefan Lofven L], 159k sq mi
17 Austria (Vienna) 649B (8.7m) * 74.61k * 0.4% = 48 @1% [40 77 69 38 40 37 23 23 23 21] Alex SCHALLENBERG R cntr-R + Grn (Sebastian Kurz R resigned Oct '21, replacement an ally), 32k sq mi
18 Czech (Prague) 569B (10.5m) * 54.23k * 1.9% = 43 [27 52 41 32 31 28 21 19 15 9] Petr FIALA? R (Andrej Babis L), 30k sq mi
19 Hungary (Budapest) 435B (10m) * 43.52k * 2.4% = 29.3 [17 32 25 21 17 16 12 11 7 6] Viktor Orban (R) Fidesz, 35k sq mi
20 Greece (Athens) 432B (10.3m) * 41.95k * 2.6% = 29.2 [14 27 19 16 13 11 10 7 12 7] Kyriakos Mitsotakis (R), 50k sq mi
21 Portugal (Lisbon) 474B (10.4m) * 45.58k * 1.6% = 27 [18 36 29 17 19 15 11 12 8 1] Antonio Costa L resigned Nov '23 on corruption, Pres Marcel Rebelo de Sousa called snap election Mar '24, 2nd in 2yrs, 35k sq mi
22 NZ (Wellington) 287B (5.3m) * 54.2k * 2.6% = 25 [19 21 10 14 13 13 13 10 11 10] aft 6yrs Labor, cons Natl Party won a decisive victory Oct '23, new PM Christopher LUXON, frmr businessman R, prev Jacinda Ardern L, 102k sq mi
23 Finland (Helsinki) 360B (5.6m) * 64.23k * 1% = 23 [21 28 22 14 18 15 10 11 10 9] 4 cons parties in ruling coalition, prev Sanna MARIN L world's youngest PM after Antti Rinne L forced out by labor strikes in '20, far R 'The Finns' in oppo 117k sq mi
24 Bulgaria (Sofia) 239B (6.4m) * 37.41k * 2.4% = 13.9 [11 10 8.4 7 7 6 5 4 3 2] Pres Rumen Radev PM Boyco Borisov R, PM to rotate ea 9mo betw the 2 dominant parties, broad consensus re reforms to enter EZ '25, such reforms (anti-corruption, more judicial indep) to release more $ from EU, 42k sq mi 'EU: weak progress on corruption, legal reform'
25 Slovakia (Bratislava) 224B (5.7m) * 39.22k * 2.4% = 13.6 [7 14 16 14 13 12 9 8 7 6] pop-natl-soc-dem party PM Robt FICO CR, prev Igor Matovic R replaced Peter Pellegrini (L), 19k sq mi
26 Lithuania (Vilnius) 149B (2.7m) * 55.09k * 2% = 11.6 [6 11 8.6 7 7 6 5 4 4 3] Ingrida Simonyte R replaced Saulius Skvernelis L in Oct '20, 24k sq mi (EZ #19 1/1/2015)
27 Croatia (Zagreb) 168B (4m) * 41.89k * 2.6% = 11.3 [6 8 7 6 5 5 4 2 2 1] CL coalition but led by Andrej Plenkovic R, 22k sq mi EU: '21 supt pkg biggest in EU @ 22.4% of its GDP, Euro adoption and Schengen from 1-1-23 supt-s tourism -> 1/4 gdp, also EU recovery funds
28 Slovenia (Ljubljana) 115B (2.1m) 54.85k * 2.4% = 9.8 [5 8 8 7 6 5 3 3 2 2] 3-party CL coalition led by PM Robt GOLOB L, prev Janez JANSA R (Marjan Sarec L), 8k sq mi, b. place of Melania Trump whose mom d. Jan '24
29 Estonia (Tallinn) 68B (1.3m) * 52.09k * 2.6% = 5.7 [3 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1] 3-party CL party coalition PM ? (prev Kaja Kallas R, Juri Ratas R), 16k sq mi
30 Latvia (Riga) 56B (1.8m) * 31.05k * 2% = 2.5 [2 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2] 3-party CL coalition led by PM Evika Silina C, pro-EU, Atlanticist, pro-Ukr (prev Krisjanis Karins R, 24k sq mi

K numbers
36.376 [x 31.179 28.05 28.337] GDP so far
597.5 [x 594.3 593.2 592.5] pop so far
2674.9 [x 3492 3066 1749] ppp so far
8.693M sq mi so far (i.e. those included in Economist survey)

31 [Luxembourg (same): 57B (576k) * 99k * 1%? = 5.6 1k sq mi]
32 [Bosnia-Herzogovina (Sarajevo): 16.5B (3.3m) * 5k * 3.1% = 1.45 20k sq mi] '92-5 civil war, Orthodox Serbs v. RCC Croats v. Muslim 'Bosniaks', pop. now down to 3.3M from pre-war 4m, 3.1% gdp growth (Econ 4-27-19)
33 [Vatican (V City): 1B? (#194 800) * 1.25M * 1%? = 1.25 .44 sq mi (#194), Pope Francis]

34 [Monaco (same): 6.1B (38k) * 161k * 1%? = 1 1 sq mi (SE France, 5th smallest pop, 2nd smallest area])]
35 [Iceland (Reykyavik): 17B (332k) * 51.2k * 1%? = .87 39k sq mi]
36 [Liechtenstein (Vaduz): 5.1B (38k) * 134k * 1%? = .7 (#190? 38k pop., #189 160 sq km or 62 sq mi)]
37 [Andorra (A la Vella): 5B (69k) * 72k * 1%? = .36 (NE Spain, #186? 69k pop., #182 182 sq mi)]
38 [Malta (Valletta): 10B (420k) * 23.8k * 1%? = .238 122 sq mi (#185 316 sq km)]
39 [Serbia (Belgrade): 37B (9m) * 4111 * 1%? = .15 34k sq mi]
40 [San Marino (same): 1.6B (32k) * 50k * 1%? = .08 23 sq mi (Italy, #191 32k pop., #190 61 sq km)]
41 [Albania (Tirana): 15B (3m) * 5k * 8.5% = .075 ldr?, 11k sq mi capital named for native Mother Theresa, tho she b. in what is now Macedonia, SOROS effort to destabilize this cons govt via his left-wing Open Society Fdn, w/help from OBAMA's Amb. Jess L BAILY, whom TRUMP has still NOT replaced (per Judicial Watch)]
42 [Macedonia (Skopje): 10B (2m) * 5k * 1%? = .05 10k sq mi homeland of Mother Theresa; Soros trying to destabilize this conservative govt, cf Albania]
43 [St Lucia (Castries): 1.5B (186k) * 8.1k * 8% = .042 [.034 (H) ...] 236 sq mi, H: #10 fastest growth 8%, I #6 12.1]
44 [Montenegro (Podgorica): 4B (626k) * 6.4k * 1%? = .026 5k sq mi]
45 [Kosovo (Pristina): 6.4B (1.8m) * 3556 * 1%? = .023 4,212 sq mi not on worldometers list?]
46 [St Christopher ('Kitts') & Nevis (Basseterre): 900M (56k) * 16.1k * 1%? = .014 101 sq mi (Caribbean, #189 by pop, #187 by area 261 sq km)]
47 [Moldova (Kisinev): 6.4B (4m) * 1.6k * 1%? = .01 13k sq mi]
48 [St Vincent [& Grenadines] (Kingstown): 760M (110k) * 6909 * 1%? = .0053 151 sq mi]
49 [Sao Tome and Principe (Sao Tome): 320M (194k) * 1649 * 1%? = .0005 371 sq mi]

Europe has (K)
GDP + 201.58B -> 36.6T [x 31.4 28.3 28.5] (36.6/174.2T=21% ... 21% ['21] of 148.4T)
pop + 26M -> 624m/7832m = 8% [x 620 619 619] (J? 8% [8] of 7.77B)
PPP + 12 -> 2687/10071 = 27% [x/11172=31% 3504/x 3078/x 1761/x] of ppp
area + ~133k sq mi -> 8.826m for 'Europe' (15% of earth's land surface 59M)

3 China (Beijing) 31T (#1 1.4b, #2 to India in Apr '23) * 22.25k * 4.8% -> 1518 [1706 1354 1324 1515 1307 1119 976 828 752 437] Xi Jinping, #3 3.7M sq mi

China has (K)
31T/174.2T = 18% [J? 30?/148.4=19.5% [19], I 29/x] of world GDP
1.4b/7832 = 18% [1.43b/7.77b=18.4% [18] of pop
1518/10071 = 15% [1706/11172=12% 1354] of ppp

[2015: China GDP > USA, 1x since 18xx, also China #4 to #3, displacing Asia]

4 Asia 33.4T (2.974b) * 11.231k [GDP/pop] * 14.78% (der) -> 1442 [1138 1216 1179 949 853 780 747 499] (sum)

[their 19 - China, Japan, Australia, + Ukraine, Russia]

1 India (New Delhi) 14.3T (#2 1.442b surpasses China Apr '23) * 9.89k * 6% = 345 [251 237 169 280 260 225 186 151 125 59] Narendra Modi #7 1.3M sq mi
2 Taiwan (Taipei) 1.9T (#55 23.2m) * 80.04k * 3.2% = 266 [195 185 95 102 100 72 75 69 83 75] DPP Pres Lai Ching-te 'pro-indep' frmr VP t/o Jan '24, frmr DPP Tsai Ing-wen L , 14k sq mi
3 Russia (Moscow) 5.7T (#9 147m) * 38.86k * 1.4% = 263 [160 233 209 149 148 110 94 89 94 94] Pres Vladimir Putin, #1 6.6M sq mi
4 S Korea (Seoul) 2.9T (#27 51.7m) * 55.3k * 2.4% = 245 [211 200 158 164 153 120 117 119 130 107] PPP Pres Yooon Suk-yeol (oppo Minjoo) frmr Moon Jae-in, 38k sq mi
5 Indonesia (Jakarta) 4.7T (#4 276.4m) * 17.11k * 5.1% = 183 [136 114 92 135 115 101 94 79 72 18] Pres name? (from same cntr-L party as Jokowi, frmr 'Jokowi' [Joko Widodo] L term-lmt'd Feb '24, #14 741k sq mi, 13,466 islands! 90% muslim, 95% indigenous, 85% Sunni, 12% Chr
6 Singapore (same) 795B (#113 5.8m) * 137k * 2.5% = 172 [142 136 115 71 99 73 75 70 77 27] LKY's son PM Lee Hsien Loong , 270 sq mi
7 Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) 1.3T (#44 34.7m) * 37.8k * 4.4% = 104 [81 63 59 91 83 69 58 65 49 24] PM Anwar Ibrahim R frmr Ismail Sabri Yaakob UNMO Aug '21 (Mahathir Mohamed) main oppo Islamist Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party 127k sq mi
8 Thailand (Bangkok) 1.7T (#20 71.9m) * 23.47k * 4.2% = 81 [66 48 45 43 52 43 38 37 17 17] PM Strettha Thavisin frmr oppo ldr of Pheu Thai Party leads 11party coalition incl mil-aligned parties so R frmr (Gen, frmr coup ldr) Prayuth Chan-ocha, 197k sq mi
9 Hong Kong (same) 575B (7.6m) * 75.61k * 3.2% = 78 [58 59 45 53 55 44 37 34 39 44] CEO Carrie Lam, 406 sq mi
10 Kazakhstan (Alma-Ata) 725B (19.8m) * 36.6k * 5.5% = 62 [41 34 26 31 27 19 14 12 11 10] Pres Kassym-Jomart Tokayev , #9 1M sq mi
11 Vietnam (Hanoi) 1.6T (#14 99.5m) * 15.61k * 6% = 59 [59 24 29 19 15 13 11 10 9 3] Gen Sec'y Nguyen Phu Trong 3rd term K poor hlth PM Pham Minh Chinh (1-party commie r), 120k sq mi, J #10 7%
12 Philippines (Manila) 1.4T (#12 119.1m) * 11.5k * 5.9% = 38 [27 22 22 25 24 20 18 15 14 6] Pres Ferdinand 'Bongbong' MARCOS Jr R, 115k sq mi
13 Bangladesh (Dhaka) 1.5T (#8 174.7m) * 8.74k * 6.2% = 33 [26 14 12 12 10 8 6 5 3 2] Sheikh Hasina Wajed L, tho Awami League retains parliamentary dominance 50k sq mi
14 Uzbekistan (Tashkent) 461B (#45 35.7m) * 12.91k * 5.2% = 14 [12 8 7 6 4 3 3 3 3 1] Pres Shavkat Mirziyoyev , 164k sq mi

15 Sri Lanka (Colombo) 333B (#57 22m) * 15.15k * 5.6% = 12 [5 10 6 9 10 9 8 8 7 3] pres Ranil Wickremesinghe t/o Jul '22 (sole rep of his party in parliament K, will struggle to confront public outcry that ousted frmr guy i.e. woke banning of fertilier et al wokism [cf Tucker C, people see him as stooge for Rajapaksa clan], prev Pres Gotabaya Rajapaksa (Maithripala Sirisena) Premier Mahinda Raj. (R, bro of Pres) , 24k sq mi
16 Ukraine (Kiev) 495B down from 614B (#31 37m down from 41.6m) * 13.39k * 3.2% = 12 [10 18 18 8 7 4 5 3 4 5] Pres Volodymyr Zelensky, 224k sq mi
17 Pakistan (Islamabad) 1.6T (#6 245.2m) * 6.63k * -.3% = 11 @ 1% [20 11 5 12 17 16 14 11 10 4] PM Shehbaz SHARIF Muslim League 'Nawaz', 298k sq mi

41.984 [x 33T 30T 34T] GDP so far (added Jan 2020)
2.8133B [x 2.748B 2.7164B 2.695B] pop so far (")
1978 [x 1416 1112 1210] ppp so far (")
11m sq mi so far (i.e. those included in Economist survey, 19% of earth's land)

18 [Macau (same): 70B (660k) * 75758 * 39.8% = 33 (or 25 @ 23.2%) [21 (H) ...] 12 sq mi (just W of Hong Kong in SE China, aka Macao) wow #1 fastest growing for 2021 @ 35.4%, and '22 @ 39.8% and '24 @ 23.2%]
19 [Turkmenistan (Ashabad): 36B (#116 5.4m) * 6667 * 8% = .68 181k sq mi, Dict. Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov, gold statue of self on horse! nat gas 1/4 of gdp, 1/2 of revs, Econ World '16 #2 fast grower 8%]
20 [Myanmar (aka Burma, cap. Rangoon): 90B (57m) * 1579 * 7% = .376 252k sq mi, Thein Sein]
21 [Brunei (Bandar): 12B (429k) * 28k * 1%? = .336 2,035 sq mi]
22 [Belarus (Minsk): 55B (9.5m) * 5789 * 1%? = .32 78,424 sq mi 'despotic' Pres Alexander LUKASHENKO]
23 [Fiji (Suva): 10B (913k) * 10953 * 6.9% = .288 [.067 .026 7061 sq mi, main export sugar, K #8 6.9%]
24 [Maldives (Male): 5.8B (521k) * 11.132k * 8.5% = .19 [.119 (J) .076 (H) ...] 116 sq mi (#186 300 sq km) SW of India, bungalos on water)]
25 [Cambodia (Phnom Penh): 30B (17m) * 1765 * 10.2% = .169 [.0744 '22 ... .0625 '18 ...] 68,155 sq mi, Econ World '17 #8 gdp growth, '16 #3 7.5% '18 #4 7.2% '22 #9 10.2 K #10 6.7]
Note: 'Great Game' in 'stans' region used to be US v. Russia, now its mainly China, Russia and West (for cntl/influence of oil and other natural resources)

26 [Afghanistan (Kabul): 21B (#40 33.4m) * 629 * 1%? = .133 252k sq mi, Pres. Ashraf Ghani]
27 [Mongolia (Ulan-Bator): 11.7B (3m) * 3.9k * 7.8% = .127 #18 604k sq mi, Econ World '17 #4 gdp growth]
28 [Azerbaijan (Baku) 35B (10m) * 3.5k * -3.5% = .12 @1% 31,925 sqmi, 'pres' (dict) Ilham Aliyev, mainly oil]
29 [Laos (Vientiane): 12.5B (6.9m) * 1812 * 7.6% = .0624 89,078 sq mi, Econ World '17 #5 gdp growth, '16 #1 8%]
30 [Georgia (Tbilisi): 14B (4m) * 3.5k * 1%? = .05 26,828 sq mi, Bidzina Ivanishvili (nation's richest man)]
31 [Nepal (Katmandu): 23B (30m) * 767 * 6.9% = .046 55k sq mi, mostly Hindu but 3% Chr]
32 [Armenia (Yerevan): 11B (3m) * 3667 * 1%? = .04 10,996 sq mi]
33 [Papua New Guinea (Port Moresby): 16B (7.8m) * 2051 * 1%? = .033 175k sq mi]
34 [N Korea (Pyongyang): 28B (#51 25.6m) * 1120 * 1%? = .031 47k sq mi, Kim Jong Un]
35 [Bhutan (Thimphu): 2.68B (805k) * 3329 * 7.3% = .024 14.7k sq mi]
36 [Kyrgyzstan (Frunze): 8B (#111 6m) * 1333 * 1%? = .01 74k sq mi, PM (Dict.) Djoomart Otorbaev]
37 [Tajikistan (Dushanbe): 8B (#95 8.7m) * 920 * 1%? = .007 54k sq mi, Dict. Emomali Rahmon]
38 [Timor-Leste (Dili) 2.6B (1.2M) * 2167 * 1%? = .006 5741 sq mi, Pres. ?, frmrly E Timor, NW of Australia (SE tip of Indonesia), frmr Portugese colony til 1975 invasion/annex by Indonesia, then '99 Austalia led intl force to free it (indep), '16 offshore oil dispute w/Australia, dirt-poor, >1/2 <17yo, subsistance farming, oil will run out someday]
39 [Palau (Koror): 290M (21k) * 13.8k * 1%? = .004 177 sq mi (Oceania, #192 21k pop, #183 458 sq km) Econ 8-28-21: like many small island nations, faces threats of rising water from climate chg, its civ perhaps 3kyrs old, lmt-less seafood esp. tuna, chuckled when chosen for 'Survivor' season]
40 [Samoa (Apia): 1B (226k) * 4424 * 7.5% = .012 [.0036 1094 sq mi] Econ 5-22-21: PM Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi is world's 2nd-longest seving PM (22yrs after Cambodia's Hun Sen's ?yrs), but protests this month for him to step down, and judiciary backs them up (he disagrees), Fiame Naomi Mata'afa of FAST party hopes to become country's 1st female PM, unresolved, rpt from Wellington (NZ) ... J #6 7.5%
41 [Nauru (Domaneab): 151M (10k) * 15.1k * 1%? = .0023 8 sq mi (Oceania, #193 10k pop., #192 21 sq km)]
42 [Vanuatu (Port-Vila): 770M (270k) * 2852 * 1%? = .0022 4706 sq mi (Pres. Baldwin Lonsdale, 65 islands, just W of Fiji)]

43 [Solomon Islands (Honiara) 1.1B (595k) * 1.8k * 3.5% = .002 PM Manasseh Sogavare 11k sq mi, 992 islands, 95% Chr]
44 [Marshall Islands (Uliga): 183M (53k) * 3453 * 1%? = .0006 70 sq mi (S Pacific, #188 pop & area)]
45 [Tuvalu (Funafuti): 33M (10k) * 3.3k * 1%? = .0001 10 sq mi (Oceania, #193 10k pop., #191 26 sq km)]

+ 506B GDP -> 42T [33 31] 42/174.2=24% [I: 22.5% of 148.4T]
+ 233M pop -> 3B [2.97B 2.9B] 3b/7832m=38% (J 2.97/7.77b=38% [38])
+ 36 -> 2014/10071 = 20% [1442/11172=13% 1138] of ppp
+ ~2m sq mi -> 13m (22% of 59m)

Economist map of Polynesian islands (Papua, Vanuatu, Fiji, Solomons, Tonga, Micronesia, Marshalls, Tarawa, Tuvalu, Cook Isl, Kiribati (incl. Christmas Isl) ... hmmm, Econ art. says Tarawa is one of Kiribati's 33 wafer-thin islands and atolls and many are threatened by rising waters from climate chg ... Kitibati is pronounced 'kiribass' and derived from the Brit colonial name of Gilbert Islands ... total land area ~1/3 of tiny Luxembourg, pop. 111k ... Kiribati declared indep in 1979 ... 1950s draught forced authorities to relocate 100s to Solomon Islands ... exhausted phosphate reserves on Banaba Isl sent 100s more to Fiji ... El Nino 1997 caused heavy rains/flooding on Kiritimati aka Christmas Isl ... overcrowding on S Tarawa depleting water reserves ... charismatic ldr Anote Tong stepped down this wk (3-12-16 issue) after reaching 3-term limit ... in 2011 he used $7M in govt $ to buy 6k acres of land on Fiji, either to 1 make $ on property investment, 2 farming for food security, 3 in a pinch, for relocation of K's remaining pop. ... his successor is Tebururo Tito ... country is fervently Christian ... but was beaten 3/9 by Taaneti Mamau for pres ... many older residents say they'll stay no matter what (and believe climate science is a brazen challenge to divine authority).

Economist 3-19-16 notes Tuvalu and Naura, both in Commonwealth, benefit from membership. Tuvalu was once the Ellice part of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, and is a string of [thin] coral atolls (pic), at no point above 5 meters above sea level, pop. just over 10k. Nauru is 'a rock of phosphate poking out of the sea' in the same area, slightly less pop. Like 31 of the Commonwealth's 53 nations, these 2 are 'small states' i.e. pop. < 1.5M. Of those 31, 25 are islands (not including Britain's 14 'overseas territories' e.g. St Helena, Ascension Island, Pitcairn Islands [pop. ~50]).

5 ME/Africa 12.5T (1643M) * 7.608k (GDP/pop) * 16% (der) -> 385 [533 507 513 391 381 112 61] (sum)

[their 18 + Turkey]

1 Turkey (Ankara) 3T (#17 85.6m) * 34.57k * 3.6% = 194 [144 159 158 118 67 54 65 41] Recep Tayyip Erdogan R (Kurd ldr Ocalan) 297k sq mi
2 S Arabia (Riyadh) 1.8T (36.7m) * 48.98k * 3.6% = 167 [108 149 147 157 132 144 208 73] (Sunni ldr) K Salman 79yo #13 757k sq mi 4% Chr
3 Iran (Tehran) 1.4T (#16 86m) * 15.71k * 8.8% = 63 [16 30 39 95 72 65 23 13] (Shia ldr) Pres Ebrahim RAISI Aug '21 hardliner - , #17 636k sq mi
4 Israel (Jerusalem) 448B (9.6m) * 46.63k * 4.2% = 43 [24 28 28 31 24 19 19 18] PM Naftali Bennett (Benjamin Netanyahu) R 8k sq mi
5 Egypt (Cairo) 1.4T (#15 104.3m) * 13.9k * 4.4% = 42 [16 45 41 31 28 26 21 6] (Gen) Abdel Fattah el-Sisi 385k sq mi
6 S Africa (Pretoria) 908B (60.8m) * 14.93k * 2.4% = 21 [11 15 16 15 13 15 18 14] Pres Cyril Ramaphosa ANC 469k sq mi
7 Algeria (Algiers) 553B (46.1m) * 11.99k * 3.3% = 12 [6 17 19 13 12 11 15 6] Pres Abdelmadjid Tebboune w/army backing, frmr Abdelaziz Boutflika, #10 920k sq mi
8 Nigeria (Lagos) 1.2T (#7 216.7m) * 5.4k * 3.3% = 11.5 [5 11 10 10 10 13 18 4] Pres Muhammadu Buhari (frmr mil dict) * 352k sq mi
9 Iraq (Baghdad) 414B (40.6m) * 10.19k * 3.6% = 8 [4 21 28 21 18 19 3 4] transitional PM Mustafa al-Kadhimi (but Jun '21 elections) replaced Haider al-Abadi (Kurd ldr M Barzani) * 168k sq mi
10 Libya (Tripoli) 110B (7.1m) * 15.49k * 11.8% = 6 [4 6 5 7 1 1 3 6] 2-party pwr struggle, #16 679k sq mi
11 Morocco (Rabat) 318B (37.8m) * 8.4k * 3.8% = 5.2 [3 5 5 5 5 5 4 2] King Mohammed VI PM Aziz Akhannouch L (Abdelilah Benkirane) 172k sq mi
12 Kenya (Nairobi) 277B (56.2m) * 4.93k * 4.3% = 2.8 [1.5 1.9 1.7 1.5 1 1 .7 .4] Pres Uhuru Kenyatta 220k sq mi
13 Angola (Luanda) 226B (35m) * 6.46k * 2.4% = 2.3 [1.4 1 2 2 3 3 4 3] Pres Joao Lourenco 482k sq mi
14 Ethiopia (Addis Ababa) 315B (#13 120.8m) * 2.61k * 4.6% = 1.8 [1 1.65 1.4 1 .7 .6 .6 .4] PM Abiy Ahmed 386k sq mi
15 Jordan (Amman) 108B (11.2m) * 9.61k * 1.9% = 1.4 [1.2 1.2 1.5 1.4 1 2 2 .5] King Abdullah II 34k sq mi
16 Lebanon (Beirut) 74B (6.6m) * 11.28k * -3.1% = .8 @ 1% [1 2 2.4 2.5 2 2 1 -] interim govt of billionaire Najib Mikati (frmr Saad Hariri, ass.?) 4k sq mi
17 Cameroon (Yaounde) 110B (27.9m) * 3.96k * 3.5% = .8 [.6 .8 .9 .7 .6 .5 .5 .4] dict Paul Biya r. [badly] since 1975 183k sq mi
18 Syria (Damascus) 63B (16.6m) * 3.77k * 1.9% = .3 [.2 1 1.2 .5 .3 .3 .5 .6] Pres (dict.) Bashar al-Assad 71k sq mi
19 Zimbabwe (Harare) 48B (#70 15.3m) * 3.15k * 3.5% = .3 [.1 .07 .1 .1 .1 0 0 -] Pres Emmerson Mnangagwa (frmr Robert Mugabe b1924!? ousted 2017 so VP Emmerson Mnangagwa t/o, RM d20xx 149k sq mi

15.8T [12.772T 11.1 13.1] gdp so far (?% of ?T)
1.06B [1.02B 1B 986m] pop so far (?% of ?B)
780 [583 348 496] ppp so far (")
6.4m sq mi so far (i.e. those included in Economist survey, 11% of earth's 59m in land)

20 [Qatar (Doha): 185B (2.3m) * 80.4k * 1%? = 15 4484 sq mi, Al-Thani clan (Sunni) 14% Chr]
21 [UAE (Abu Dhabi, fin cntr Dubai = 1 of 7 emirates): 370B (10m) * 37k * 1%? = 13.7 32k sq mi, 13% Chr]
22 [Kuwait (same): 121B (4m) * 30.3k * 1%? = 3.7 6882 sq mi, 14% Chr]
23 [Oman (Muscat): 58B (4.1m) * 14.1k * 1%? = .82 120k sq mi, 74yo Sultan Qaboos bin Saud al-Saud, 6% Chr]
24 [Senegal (Dakar): 65B (18.4m) * 3533 * 9.7% = .715 [.157 .012 74k sq mi, J #9 7% K #3 9.7%]
25 [Bahrain (Manama): 30B (1.4m) * 21.4k * 1%? = .642 294 sq mi, 14% Chr]
26 [Ivory Coast (Abibjan): 75B (29.4m) * 2551 * 7% = .5 [.138 123k sq mi]
27 [Gambia (Banjul): 1B (2.1m) * 476 * 1%? = .476 3908 sq mi, Yahya Jammeh (R)]
28 [Cyprus (Nicosia): 19B (1.2m) * 15.8k * 1%? = .3 3570 sq mi, Nicos Anastasiades]
29 [Mauritius (Port-Louis): 12.6B (#? 1.3m) * 9.3k * 5% = .26 784 sq mi ]
30 [Sudan (Khartoum): 81B (41m) * 1.976k * 1%? = .16 #15 719k sq mi, pres. Omar Hassan al-Bashir (Islamist) 1970- (Darfur region in W)]
31 [Tunisia (Tunis): 44B (12m) * 3.667k * 1%? = .16 60k sq mi, Pres. Beji Caid Sebsi]
32 [Yemen (Sana): 38B (29m) * 1370 * 9% = .156 204k sq mi, Econ World '17 #1 in gdp growth]
33 [Gabon (Libreville): 16.2B (1.8m) * 9k * 1%? = .146 100k sq mi ]
34 [Congo (DRC, Kinshasa) 63B (79m) * .8k * 8% = .14 Joseph Kabila b1972, t/o 2001 after dad ass., frmr Zaire, #11 906k sq mi ]
35 [Ghana (Accra): 38.4B (29.5m) * 1.3k * 6.7% = .129 88k sq mi, Econ World '17 #6 gdp growth, Nana Akufo-Addo]
36 [Equatorial Guinea (Malabo): 10B (870k) * 11.5k * 1%? = .115 10.8k sq mi ]
37 [Eritrea (Asmara): 20B (5.4m) * 3.7k * 1%? = .074 39k sq mi]
38 [Botswana (Gaborone): 13B (2.3m) * 5652 * 1%? = .07 217k sq mi]
39 Namibia (Windhoek): 12B (2.5m) * 4.8k * 1%? = .0576 313k sq mi
40 [Mauritania (Nouakchott): 10B (5m) * 2k * 8% = .057 [.0155 402k sq mi, K #4 8%]
41 [Tanzania (Dar es Salaam): 45B (55M) * 818 * 1%? = .037 342k sq mi Pres Samia Suluhu Hassan ]
42 [Rwanda (Kigali): 13.2B (14.3m) * 923 * 7.1% = .032 [.028 9528 sq mi, Pres Edgar LUNGU 2015- unpopular, 8-12-21 election v. Hakainde HICHILEMA
43 [Zambia (Lusaka): 22B (17m) * 1.294k * 1%? = .028 287k sq mi]
44 [Mozambique (Maputo): 15B (29m) * 517 * 7.3% = .021 303k sq mi, Econ World '16 #5 7.3%]
45 [Seychelles (Victoria): 1.4B (97k) * 14.4k * 1%? = .02 178 sq mi]
46 [(Republic of) Congo (Brazzaville): 9B (4.7m) * 1915 * 1%? = .017 132k sq mi]
47 [Uganda (Kampala): 25B (40m) * .625k * 1%? = .0156 77k sq mi, Pres->dict Yoweri Museveni]
48 [Swaziland (Mbabane): 4B (1.3m) * 3.077k * 1%? = .0123 6645 sq mi]
49 [Guinea (Conakry): 7.5B (13.9m) * 540 * 6.9% = .0106 95k sq mi, hard-hit by Ebola in 2014]
50 [Djibouti (same): 1.9B (914k) * 2.1k * 6.6% = .0104 9k sq mi Pres. Ismael Omar Guelleh 01-]
51 [Mali (Bamako): 13B (18.1m) * 718 * 1%? = .0093 470k sq mi]
52 [Chad (Ndjamena): 11B (14.5m) * 759 * 1%? = .0083 pres. Idriss Deby, #19 496k sq mi]
53 [Sierra Leone (Freetown): 4.2B (6.6m) * 636 * 7.5% = .00732 28k sq mi, hard-hit by Ebola in 2014, GDPpp <$800 acc. to Econ. 4-2-16 issue, Econ World '16 #4 fast grower 7.5%]
54 [Benin (Porto-Novo): 9B (11.2m) * 804 * 1%? = .0072 44k sq mi]
55 [Burkina Faso (Quagadougou): 11B (18.6m) * 591 * 1%? = .0065 106k sq mi 1-15-16 al-Qaeda attack at capital k. 29]
56 [S Sudan (Juba): 9B (13m) * 692 * 1%? = .00623 236k sq mi]
57 [Cape Verde (Praia): 1.6B (527k) * 3036 * 1%? = .0049 1556 sq mi, aka Cabo Verde]
58 [Madagascar (Antananarivo) 10.9B (#52 28m) * 388 * 1%? -> .004215 225k sq mi ]
59 [Somalia (Mogadishu): 6B (11m) * 545 * 1%? = .00327 242k sq mi PM ?]
60 [Niger (Niamey): 7.2B (20.7m) * 348 * 1%? = .0025 488k sq mi]
61 [Malawi (Lilongwe): 6.4B (17.7m) * 362 * 1%? = .0023 36k sq mi]
62 [Togo (Lome): 4B (8m) * .5k * 1%? = .002 21k sq mi]
63 [Lesotho (Maseru): 2B (2.2m) * 909 * 1%? = .0018 11.7k sq mi]
64 [Liberia (Monrovia): 2B (4.6m) * 435 * 1%? = .00087 37k sq mi, hard-hit by Ebola in 2014]
65 [Burundi (Bujumbura): 3B (11.6m) * 259 * 1%? = .00078 10k sq mi, Pres. Pierre Nkurunziza]
66 [Guinea-Bissau (Bissau): 1.2B (1.9m) * 632 * 1%? = .00076 10.9k sq mi]
67 [Central African Republic (Bangui): 1.6B (5m) * 320 * 1%? = .0005 241k sq mi ]
68 [Comoros (Moroni): 600M (807k) * 743 * 1%? = .00045 719 sq mi]

ME/Africa has (K)
+ 1.53T [1.43T] -> 17.3T [14.2T 12.5T] (17.3/174.2=10% ... J: 9.6% of 148.4T)
+ 635.7m [639.5m J] pop -> 1.7b [1.66b 1.64b] (1.7b/7832= 22%, J: 1.66/7.77=21%)
+ 37.7 [37] ppp -> 818/10071 = 8% [620/11172=6% 385/x] of ppp
+ 7.4m -> 13.8m (23% of earth's 59m sq mi of land)

* Forbes 12-29-14: Nigeria is largest economy in Africa, 26th largest in world (GDP $510B, that still looks right for 2015)

* Wow, Iraq jumped from 19 to 3 in 2015!? (fell to 6 in '16)

5-10-16: the Economist 4/23 says Rwanda and Burundi (shown on map sharing a N-S oval, R in N, B in S, w/Congo to W, Uganda to NE, Tanzania to SE, Lake Victoria to E in both U and T), 2 small countries w/Hutu majorities and Tutsi minorities have seen large-scale ethnic massacres in '59, '63, '72, '88, '93 and '94. Sadly another seems to be brewing. In '94 ~1M Tutsis were hacked to death in an attack pre-planned by Hutu army/pols (who even ordered in advance 100s of 1ks of machetes). The 100-day attack was ended by Paul Kagame (curr. pres.) leading a Tutsi army. Burundi pres. Pierre Nkurunzizi (Hutu) has just said he'll seek a 3rd term (unconstitutional) and is making threats. He's an 'evangelical Christian and former rebel'.

[2015: ME/Africa jumps 7 to 5, mostly S Arabia, pushing Japan and L America down 1 each]

6 Latin America 9.7T (648m) * 14.969k (GDP/pop) * 4.5% (der) -> 308 [248 273 247 213 208 226 219] (sum)

[their 11 + Mexico]

1 Mexico (M City) 3.2T (#11 129.4m) * 24.54k * 1.9% = 107 [69 97 87 59 68 65 69 68 90 86] frmr Mex City mayor 61yo Claudia SHEINBAUM t/o 10-1-24 6yr term, prev AMLO (L Morena party, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador) #12 758k sq mi
2 Brazil (Brasilia, fin cnt Rio) 4.3T (#5 211.5m) * 20.16k * 1.5% = 105 [70 78 84 86 94 76 51 50 44 51] Pres Luiz Inacio Lula da SILVA L #5 3.3M sq mi
3 Colombia (Bogota) 1.2T (52.3m) * 22.26k * 2.8% = 43 [20 28 24 23 23 18 18 18 15 13] Pres Gustavo Petro populist L 441k sq mi
4 Chile (Santiago [St James]) 655B (19.7m) * 33.27k * 2% = 31 [20 29 26 26 24 19 15 18 20 16] Pres Gabriel BORIC L trying to drag Chile's longstanding pro-mkt consensus leftward but lotta resistance 292k sq mi
5 Argentina (Buenos Aires) 1.2T (46.1m) * 25.27k * -2.1% = 29 @1% [30 39 47 21 35 43 37 27 27 25] libertarian Javier MILEI (endorsed by 3rd place Patricia BULLRICH) beat Peronist Sergio MASSA 12-x-23, frmr Pres Alberto Fernandez L more orthodox, VP Cristina Fernandez de KIRCHNER L more populist , #8 1.1M sq mi
6 Peru (Lima) 547B (34m) * 16.09k * 2.5% = 14 [11 11 15 11 11 10 10 8 11 11] Pres Dina BOLUARTE til '26 fragile coalition, instability 496k sq mi
7 Cuba (Havana) 186B (11.2m) * 16.57k * 3.6% = 6 [6 4 3 2 3 3 2 4 4 3] pres dict. Miguel Diaz-Canel PM Manuel Marrero 43k sq mi
8 Uruguay (Montevideo) 105B (3.5m) * 30.14k * 3% = 5.5 [4.7 4 4 3 4 3 2 3 3 2] Pres Luis Lacalle Pou R replaced Tabare Vazquez (in 5yrs) Dec '19 68k sq mi
9 Ecuador (Quito) 252B (18.3m) * 13.76k * 1.7% = 4.5 [3.4 5 5 3 3 2 2 2 5 4] Pres Daniel NABOA cntr-R heir to banana fortune won Oct '23 amid surging drug/gang violence, new elections '25, he'll maintain mkt-frdly policies tho hi int rates to defend dollarized econ will sap growth 109k sq mi
10 Paraguay (Asuncion) 126B (7.7m) * 16.34k * 4.1% = 4 [4 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1] Mario Abdo Benitez R CO Party won Apr '23 win by fin. min. Santiago Pen[y]a 157k sq mi
11 Venezuela (Caracas) 180B (28.3m) * 6.37k * 3.5% = 2.2 [3.9 3 .6 1 3 5 5 8 5 6] (->dict) Nicolas Maduro (L) 352k sq mi
12 Bolivia (La Paz) 124B (12.6m) * 9.84k * 2.1% = 1.8 [2.4 1.3 1.5 1.1 1.6 1.3 1 1 1 1] Pres Luis Arce L in disarray '24, frmr Pres EM led Oct '23 vote to expell pres LA, bal-of-pymts crisis near (Evo Morales L both socialist party) 424k sq mi

12.1T [10 9 10] gdp so far (")
575m [578 573 571] pop so far (")
353 [302 299 239] ppp so far (")
7.54m sq mi so far (13% of 59M)

13 [Guyana (Georgetown) 27B (814k) * 33k * 30% = 4.9 [4.9 (J) .23 (H) ...] 76k sq mi, Pres David Granger]
14 [Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo): 148B (10.7m) * 13.832k * 1%? = 2 19k sq mi]
15 [Panama (P City): 82B (4m) * 20.5k * 1%? = 1.7 29k sq mi]
16 [Trinidad and Tobago (Port of Spain): 44B (1.4m) * 31.429k * 1%? = 1.4 1982 sq mi]
17 [Costa Rica (San Jose): 74B (4.9m) * 15.1k * 1%? = 1.1 20k sq mi]
18 [Guatemala (G city): 126B (16.7m) * 7.545k * 1%? = .95 41k sq mi, Otto Perez Molina]
19 [El Salvador (San Salvador): 53B (6.2m) * 8.548k * 1%? = .45 8k sq mi caudillo Nayib Bukele b1981 aka 'the coolest dictator', on 3-31-23 said 'it will be difficult for the USA to lecture us (the rest of the world) re democracy and free elections (and other Dem 'cant' ad nauseum ...) after a jurys recent decision to charge TRUMP w/paying to silence an actress (totally legal) ... and we could add CO's decision to remove TRUMP from ballot, later struck down in court i.e. nothing more than pol. persecution by illiberal, fascist leftwing elites for whom 'lie cheat steal kill' is no prob]
20 [Jamaica (Kingston): 25B (2.8m) * 8.929k * 1%? = .223 4183 sq mi]
21 [Bahamas (Nassau): 9.2B (393k) * 23.41k * 1%? = .215 8,766 sq mi]
22 [Nicaragua (Managua): 31B (6.2m) * 5k * 1%? = .155 46k sq mi]
23 [Suriname (Paramaribo): 9.2B (548k) * 16.788k * 1%? = .154 60k sq mi]
24 [Antigua & Barbuda (St John's): 2.1B (93k) * 22.581k * 8% = .13 170 sq mi H: #8 fastest growth 8%]
25 [Barbados (Bridgetown): 4.7B (285k) * 16.491k * 1%? = .035 166 sq mi]
26 [Haiti (Port-au-Prince): 19B (11m) * 1.727k * 1%? = .033 11k sq mi, Pres. Michel Martelly (R)]
27 [Belize (Belmopan): 3.1B (367k) * 8.447k * 1%? = .026 8,803 sq mi]
28 [Grenada (St George's): 1.4B (107k) * 13.084k * 1%? = .018 133 sq mi (#184 344 sq km)]
29 [Dominica (Roseau): 820M (73k) * 11.233k * 1%? = .0092 290 sq mi (Caribbean, #187 pop)]
30 [Honduras (Tegucigalpa) 3.3B (8.2m) * .402 * 1%? = .0013 43k sq mi, ldr? 17% of GDP from remittances]

Latin Amer has
+ 663B gdp -> 12.8T [10.6 9.7] (K: 12.8/174.2=7.3% ... J?: 7% of 134T)
+ 75M pop -> 650m [653 648] (650/7832=8.3%, 653/7.7=8.4%)
+ 14 ppp -> 367/10071 = 3.6% [311/11172=2.8% 308/9175=3%] of ppp
+ 377k sq mi -> 7.9M (13% of 59M)

7 Japan (Tokyo) 6.3T (#10 122.6m) * 50.99k * 1.1% -> 334 [302 456 291 257 320 249 194 241 260 238] Kishida Fumio, Suga Yoshihide t/o for fellow LDP member (and mentor i.e. protege of) Shinzo Abe R who resigned for health reasons late 2020

[Japan 6 -> 7 for 2017]
[Japan 7 -> 6 for 2018]
[6 -> 7 2020]

6.3T/174.2=3.6% [I?: 5.3/134 = 4%] of GDP
123m/7832=1.6% [J? 126m/7.7b=2%] of pop
334/10071=3.3% [J? 291/9175=3%] of ppp

Econ 8-28-21: Speaking of Pacific Islanders having to move due to rising waters, brot to mind (lte writer) the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), recog'd by 110 countries as a sovereign entity, located at Via Condotti 68 in Rome, where it has extraterritorial status, its moved several times, fnd'd in Jerusalem 1048 [Crusades], subsequently relocated to Acre, Cyprus, Rhodes and Malta, which it ruled til 1798 when isl. conq'd by Napoleon, then it moved to various places in Italy before est-ing HQ in Rome 1834, its sov. made clear when, after WWII, number of transport aircraft Italy could operate was lmt'd by its peace treaty w/Allies, it xfr'd all aircraft in excess of that to the Order, tho flown by Italian Air Force personnel, til returned to Italy in 1950s.

World GDP (GWP) ~80T, world area ~197k sq mi (4 x pi x r^2) w/~70% ocean (138k sq mi) and 30% land (59m sq mi, another source says 148m sq km -> 57m sq mi). Amazingly, 7/8 of earth's land area is in N hemisphere! If seas rise 66 meters, 13m sq km of land would be lost.

Note: Samuel HUNTINGTON's 19xx bk 'Clash of Civs' cvrs 9 'civs': 1 Sinic 2 Jap 3 Hindu 4 Islamic 5 Orthodox 6 Western 7 Latin American 8 African 9 Buddhist, but he rules out last 2 i.e. no real 'civ' in Afr (polyglot) and Buddhism (last of Weber's 'blg 5' Chr Islam Judaism Hindu and Buddhism) isn't really a civ. Contrast w/below categories:

World GDP J?:
1 Asia 42T [x 33 31 34 ...]
2 Europe 36.6T Econ [31.4 28.5 ...]
3 [1] China 31T [x 29 26 29 ...]
4 [2] USA 28.2T [x 24.5 21.6 22.3 ...]
5 ME/Afr 17.3T [14.2 12.5]
6 [3] India 14.3T [...]
7 L Amer 12.8T [10.6 9.7]
8 [4] Japan 6.3T [5.3 5.7 ...]
9 [5] Germany 5.7T [...]
10 [5] Russia 5.7T [...]
11 [6] Indonesia 4.7T [...]
12 [7] Brazil 4.3T [...]
13 [8] France 4.1T [...]
14 [9] UK 4T [...]
15 [10] Turkey 3.6T [...]
World 174.2T [x 148.4 145 ...]

For comparison, top cos (7-31-24, 'magnif 7')
1 AAPL 3.4T
2 MSFT 3.1T
3 NVDA 2.9T
4 GOOG 2.1T
5 AMZN 1.9T
6 META 1.2T
7 TSLA 0.8T
Total: 15.1T

NR Jun '24: India recently replaced UK as #5, expected to repl both Germ and Japan by 2030

Hmmm: In Tucker's Feb 2024 interview w/PUTIN, latter ref'd 1 China 2 USA 3 India 4 Japan 5 Russia ...

Also: DayTmr 4-11-24: Egypt 5th largest econ in its region (ME?) so 1-4 = ?

World pop 7.4B:
1 Asia 2.8B just Econ countries [3.0 2.9 2.8 ...]
2 ME/Afr 1.66b [1.64]
3 [1] India (repl China '24)
3 [2] China 1.4B [x 1.4 1.4]
4 L Amer 653m [648]
5 Europe 598m Econ [620 619 618 ...]
6 [3] USA 342m [x 335 333 335 ...]
7 Japan 126m [127 ...]
World 7.77b [7.7 7.5 ...]

World ppp (K w/10):
1 Europe 2675 Econ [x 3504 3078 1761 1804 1665 1324 1329 1208 993]
2 [1] USA 2333 [x 3488 2651 1880 2021 1844 1747 1704 1878 1552]
3 Asia 2014 total [1978 Econ only K, x 1442 1138 1216 1179 949 853 780 747 499]
4 [2] China 1518 [1706 1354 1324 1515 1307 1119 976 828 752 437]
5 [3] Germany 389 [347 632 575 261 332 308 235 251 230 174])
6 ME/Africa 818 [x 620 385 533 507 513 391 381 112 61]
7 Latin Amer 353 [x 308 248 273 247 213 208 226 219]
8 [4] India 345 [...]
9 [5] Japan 334 [x 456 291 257 320 249 194 241 260 238]
10 [6] Saudi Arabia 281 [...]
11 [7] Taiwan 266 [...]
12 [8] Russia 263 [...]
13 [9] S Korea 245 [...]
14 [10] Turkey 243 [...]
15 [11] UK 234 [212 422 398 163 171 156 125 166 159 132]
World 10071 [x 11172 9175 7410 7411 6586 5698 5471 5183 3999]

World area 59M sq mi:
ME/Afr 13.8M
Asia 13M
Europe 8.8M
L Amer 7.9M
USA 3.7M

China 3.7M
Japan 146k
World 51M sq mi (+ islands, poles ... = 59M)

Econ note says 'world totals' are based on [the top] 60 countries acct-ing for >95% of world GDP (so we can derive GDP of 'the rest'). The total GDP of all 81 countries analyzed by Econ World 2018 is 127.8T. Of the 81 countries analyzed by Econ World, the bottom 21 by GDP are:

61 Angola 205B
62 New Zeeland 199B
63 Ecuador 188B
64 Slovakia 187B
65 Kenya 177B
66 Cuba 153B
67 Bulgaria 151B
68 Libya 144B
69 Croatia 112B
70 Lebanon 96B
71 Lithuania 96B
72 Jordan 94B
73 Bolivia 88B
74 Cameroon 87B
75 Uruguay 83B
76 Slovenia 78B
77 Syria 73B
78 Paraguay 72B
79 Estonia 43B
80 Latvia 40B
81 Zimbabwe 32B

For a total of 2.398T, leaving 125.402T for the top 60, meaning the world total is (/.95) 132T, so 'the rest' accts for 6.6T including the above 21 (4.2T w/o them). A similar process for geopolitical power (GPP) can be done. Total GPP for the Econ World 2018 top 81 is 6598. The lower 2.398/127.8 of that number is 124, leaving 6474 for the 'top 60'. If that 'top 60' GPP represents 95% of total world GPP, the latter is 6815, meaning 'the rest' (including above 21) accts for 341 (217 w/o them).

EU's '4 freedoms' = movement of goods, svcs, people and capital.

Hmmm, 194 - 81 = 113 not in Econ list

1 USA 2 Europe 30 + 19 3 China 4 Asia 17 + 28 5 ME 19 + 48 6 Japan 7 LA 12 + 18 Total 81 + 113 = 194

WO p338 nuke pwrs 1 1945 USA 2 1949 Russia 3 1952 UK 4 c1957 Israel 5 1960 France 6 1964 China 7 1967 India 8 1972 Pakistan (Pak. scientist ? spread it widely :-( ) 9 2006 N Korea 10 20xx Iran?

wtrww p58 refers to the 22 Arab states and 57 Islamic nations, list:

Arab nations: 1 Libya 2 Iraq 3 Egypt 4 Algeria 5 UAE 6 Kuwait 7 Tunisia 8 S Arabia 9 Syria 10 Jordan 11 Lebanon 12 Morocco 13 Oman 14 Qatar 15 Yemen 16 Bahrain 17 Mauritania 18 Sudan? 19 Chad? 20 Somalia? 21 Comoros? 22 Iran?

Islamic nations: all 22 Arab nations plus 23 Indonesia? 24 Thailand? 25 Kazakh? 26 Philippines? 27 Pakistan 28 Sri Lanka? 29 Bangladesh? 30 Uzbek? 31 Turkey 32 Nigeria? 33 Angola? 34 Ethiopia? 35 Kenya? 36 Cameroon? 37 Zimbabwe? 38 Albania 39 Bosnia-Herz? 40 Kosovo? 41 Malaysia? 42 Afghan 43 Armenia? 44 Azerbaijan? 45 Bhutan? 46 Brunei? 47 Kyrg? 48 Tajik? 49 Turkmen? 50 Angola? 51 Burundi? 52 Djibouti? 53 Niger? 54 Sierra-Leone? 55 Uganda? 56 Gambia? 57 ?

Econ World 2016: diagram of Africa w/6 N nations (maghreb) grey (Muslim) and not rated (Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and W Sahara?). Only 6 nations are 'free': S Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Ghana, Benin and Senegal. 'Partly free' are Zambia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria, Niger, Togo, Burkina Faso, Mali, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leon, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau. 'Not free' are the others: Mauritania, Chad, Sudan, S Sudan, CAR, Cameroon, Eq Guinea, Gabon, Congo Brazzaville, Dem R of Congo, Ethiopia (the old Abyssinia), Eritrea, Somalia, Uganda, Rwanda, Angola, Cabinda? (just N of Angola on coast) and Zimbabwe.

Most Free 1 HK 2 Switz 3 Fin 4 Den 5 NZ 6 Can 7 Austral 8 Irel 9 UK 10 Sweden ... 12 Germany ... 18 Chile ... 20 USA :-( ... 28 Japan ... 33 France ... 43 Singapore ... 70 S Africa ... 75 India ... 82 Brazil ... 111 Russia ... 132 China ... 139 Nigeria ... 141 S Arabia ... 144 Venez ... 149 Zimb ... 152 Iran (dead last, from recent CATO Human Freedom Index HFI).

CATO Econ Freedom 2016: 1 HK 2 Sing 3 NZ 4 Switz 5 Canada ... Ireland Australia UK Chile ... 15 Lith 16 USA 17 Malta ... 30 Germ ... 57 France ... 69 Italy ... 102 Russia ... 112 India 113 China ... 143? Iran 144? Algeria 145? Chad 146? Guinea 147? Angola 148? CAR 149? Argentina 150? DRC 151? Libya 152? (last) Venez (CATO notes that the top 1/4 avg GDPpp 41228, bottom 1/4 5471, and that US is only 78 (1 smallest) on size of govt, 60 on free trade (worse than most of Europe), 40 on monetary soundness (too much debt) and 27 on rule of law).

Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedom 22nd edition (Spring 2016): [1-5 'Free' 80-100] 1 HK 2 Singapore 3 NZ 4 Switz 5 Australia [6-37 'Partly Free' 70-80] 6 Canada 7 Chile 8 Ireland 9 Estonia 10 UK 11 USA 12 Denmark 13 Lithuania 14 Taiwan ... 16 Netherlands 17 Germany ... 22 Japan ... 26 Sweden 27 S Korea ... 32 Norway ... 35 Israel ... 37 St Lucia [38-92 'Moderately Free' 60-70] 38 Poland ... 43 Spain 44 Belgium ... 46 Jordan ... 49 Peru ... 56 Slovakia ... 62 Mexico ... 70 Philippines ... 75 France ... 79 Turkey ... 86 Italy ... 92 Ivory Coast [93-154 'Mostly Unfree' 50-60] 93 Sri Lanka ... 99 Indonesia ... 107 Fiji ... 113 Honduras ... 123 India ... 125 Egypt ... 138 Greece ... 144 China ... 153 Russia 154 Algeria [155-178 'Repressed' 40-50] 155 Laos ... 159 Ecuador ... 165 Kiribati ... 171 Iran ... 175 Zimbabwe ... 177 Cuba 178 N Korea [they mention 8 more not rated: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Liechtenstein, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, which makes 186, but another 8 aren't mentioned, making 194 total] ... see the rest at (USA fell from 6th in 2008 to 11th now i.e. declining under Obama).

Ease of Doing Business 1 Denmark 2 NZ 3 Norway 4 Ireland 5 Sweden 6 Finland 7 Canada 8 Singapore 9 Neth 10 UK 11 HK 12 Switz 13 Iceland 14 Australia 15 Belg 16 Portugal ... 22 USA :-( ... 129 Mauritania 130 Iran 131 Cameroon 132 Angola 133 Zimb 134 Laos 135 Ethiopia 136 Yemen 137 Algeria 138 Venez 139 Gambia 140 Myanmar 141 Haiti 142 Libya 143 Guinea 144 Chad (144 rated, Forbes 1-18-16)

10-nation Anglosphere (i.e. English as 1st language for most): USA, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ, Nigeria, S Africa, Ireland, Singapore and Jamaica

There were ~35 democracies in 1970, 120 by 2013

World Oil Reserves (Econ Oct 2011)
- Iran 300 bbl, S Arabia, Venezuela, Kuwait, Russia, Qatar, Iraq, UAE, Turkey, Libya, XOM 25 bbl, PetroChina, Nigeria, Russia #2, Lukoil, Algeria, Pemex (Mexico), PBR, RDS 10, BP 10 ...

Annual oil production (Forbes Jan 2016)
- Russia 11 mb/d (brk-even $52/b), S Arabia 10 (14), US shale 4.9 (65), Iraq 4.1 (23), Iran 2.8 (28), Kuwait 2.7 (11), Venezuela 2.3 (55), Canadian oil sands 2.2 (79), Norway 2 (40), Deepwater Gulf of Mex 1.1 (60) ... 43.1 so far, article says global supply is 95.5 and demand is 94, latter growing

Of the 150 largest countries (by pop.), 58 are US allies, 41 lean towards US, 25 neutral, 21 lean against and 5 other (Econ 5-6-14)

If Lewis Mumford was right that 'the city first took its form as the home of a god', then Boston's god/idol is Knowledge, Seoul's Competition, Manila's Opportunity, Geneva's Peace and Tehran's Power ... (B&C Jan/Feb 2014). Also cities as 'having a totalitarian bent ... concentrated attempts at mastering other men ... places of brokenness ... evil paradises where the logic of the mkt and pwr of capital dominate a pop. of foreign-born workers who raise cities from whole cloth on behalf of a wealthy few ... hotbeds of [dragons of] democratic expectation, social instability, revolutionary sentiments ... (or per libs' hopes/dreams [utopian?]) havens of deliverance from social/racial/econ/cult/rel ... oppression'.

The Economist mag 2-27-16 issue mentioned the Corruption Perception Index list (compiled by TD?) which ranks 168 nations on pol. corruption (1 = least corrupt). Some rankings are 1 Denmark ... 8 Singapore ... 54 Malaysia ... 76 Thailand ... 83 China ... 88 Indonesia (13,466 islands! 85% Sunni, 12% Chr) ... 112 Vietnam ... 139 Laos ... 150 Cambodia ... 167 Somalia.

Top-10 GPP (Dec 2018)
1 USA 2021 [1844 1747 1704 1878 1552]
(Europe 1804 [1665 1324 1329 1208 993])
2 China 1307 (333 w/o PPP)
[Asia 1179]
[ME/Africa 507]
3 Germany 332
[CA 325]
4 Japan 320
[Latin Amer 273]
5 India 260
[NY 236]
6 France 184
7 UK 171
8 Turkey 158
9 S Korea 153
10 Russia 148
11 S Arabia 147br> 12 Canada 123
13 Spain 122
14 Indonesia 115
15 Italy 114
16 Australia 108
17 Taiwan 100
18 Singapore 99
19 Brazil 94
[TX 93]
20 Neth 91
21 Malaysia 83
22 Poland 76
[PA 73]
23 Mexico 68